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15. Assault! The Mysterious Blader
Shūgeki! Nazo no Burēdā
Air Date: 2012-07-15

im just wondering why has beyblade started to air on a sunday rather than saturday, does beyblade have a new time slot so it can be 20mins long as it was before.

edit: sorry i made this mistake in the post, i just got a bit confused, with the date format.
(Jun. 30, 2012  3:42 PM)username786 Wrote: [ -> ]im just wondering why has beyblade started to air on a sunday rather than saturday, does beyblade have a new time slot so it can be 20mins long as it was before.

It has always aired on Sunday as far as I know, so nothing has changed. (JST, or whatever)
Can I See The Preview
(Jul. 06, 2012  2:37 AM)MFBBeyblade Wrote: [ -> ]Can I See The Preview

Obviously, since it is not posted here at the moment, that means that there is no preview out yet. Come back later.


EDIT: yay for dark knight dragoon
Ren and Takanosuke vs Sakyou? Confused
I don't even know if those names are their first names anymore, I've completely confused myself nowdays.

Not sure if Shinobu will be battling too though...
The summary of episode 15 from the TV Tokyo Website:

Episode 15 looks beast also it look like dark knight dragoon overpowered ren and takanosuke
Apparently there is a sort of championship happening that involves a few different arenas, so the group of Bladers including Zero chooses one arena each. Zero and Shinobu just take possession of their arenas and have all the Bladers there battle each of them one by one. Kite and Eight go to the same though, so they battle ... However, Dark Knight Dragooon interrupts their match, and Sakyo disappears in the shadows.

Ren arrives to an arena where Takanosuke is already battling, so she decides to fight him next. Dark Knight Dragooon interrupts their match too though, but it remains in the stadium this time, and Sakyo makes a formal appearance. Takanosuke and Ren are surprised by the fact that it can spin in left, and this simple fact makes them both lose spin.

Overall, it was quite a decent episode, although I hoped to see Kikura Gen.
Well, this sets the scene for the future; investing in massive Zero-G Stadiums for the world (y)

Personally, I'm not keen on how the Zero-G Stadium is shown in the anime. I liked seeing battles outside of stadiums from time to time, but the Zero-G Stadium completely restricts this to indoor battles. Hopefully watching Sakyou and DKD performing will change my views on this.
(Jul. 15, 2012  2:24 AM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully watching Sakyou and DKD performing will change my views on this.

It is actually incorrect to write it with a "u". It is written with the symbol from Kyoto (and Tokyo, obviously), therefore it is not an elongated "ou" sound at all.
Episode added.
thanks Smile
(Jul. 15, 2012  2:39 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 15, 2012  2:24 AM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully watching Sakyou and DKD performing will change my views on this.

It is actually incorrect to write it with a "u". It is written with the symbol from Kyoto (and Tokyo, obviously), therefore it is not an elongated "ou" sound at all.

Is that really all you got out of my post? It seems nowdays that you're set on trying to correct each and everything I say Confused

Regardless, you're right.
It might seem like I always post to correct, but you should instead see it this way : I respect your opinion about the stadiums in Zero-G, I do not necessarily agree or disagree at the moment, and I think there is nothing bad I can say on it. Had you written "Sakyo", I would not have commented at all.

I think, usually, if I do not say anything about a point, you can take it as that I at least partly agree with it, so you "have me on your side".