World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Hi, I'm BigBang Libra. I'm a good blader and I am impatient for meet other bladers here.
Well, welcome.
Haha we are all confident at first, but there are some very strong bladers here. Where do you live?
Depending on where you are, you can go to an upcoming tournament. Also I know the feeling. I have not battled any one in forever.

But make sure you,

-Read Kai-V's PM
-Read th!ink's helpful topic.
-Read all the rules.
-Read Dark_Mousy's helpful topic.

Well, enjoy your time!
Welcome to the WBO. Take a moment to read my thread. It has literally everything you will need. That or the PM Kai V sent you. Feel free to PM me if you need help.