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Well if I understand the summary correctly she loses because she's (just like Zero in the first episodes) not used to the Zero-G stadium or something.
Or I'm maybe I'm completely wrong~
As far as I'm concerned, TV TOKYO and TV AICHI are both on Keyhole. Both are always there for me, but I'll always prefer TV AICHI as there's no timestamp over the episode.
I think TV Aichi is the only one that worked this weekend.I will start recording from Saturday
There's not really any need? Doing so just shows impatience for a RAW copy?

The lack of comments here aren't anything to do with there not being a quick LQ cap, it's just the fact that there's so little content in each episode, there's no point in even posting. Come September when the timeslot returns, then I think things will pick up.
September??? What!! B-Daman should have been canceled already.It's one of the most boring shows ever!!
(Jun. 04, 2012  5:16 PM)beybladetiggy Wrote: [ -> ]September??? What!! B-Daman should have been canceled already.It's one of the most boring shows ever!!

... No it's not (to each their own) and this is not the place to complain about that.
Here is Episode summary translated to English
After re-encountering the Unabara Brothers following his battle with Ren Kurenai, Zero demands a Synchrom Battle with them. Calling out to Shinobu, who was unsure on Zero after finding out Ifraid was given to him by Gingka Hagane, Shinobu forgives him and throws him his Chrome Wheel to start the ultimate Synchrom Showdown of Friends versus Family!
That's not a translated one, that's the one I wrote for Beyblade Wikia based on the ten-second preview.

Please tiggy, if you're gonna post anything, make sure it's official and that you've checked it over.
Literally, this is all the official summary states:

"Appearing in the BeyPark was a female Blader, Ren Kurenai. She has only experienced the Zero-G Stadium once, and quickly showcased her Special Moves, which were the same as Zero's."
OOPS sorry well atleast it makes sense and why don't post on this threads anymore.
I now feel like nobody really likes me anymore.This is because if Dranzer had made this thread you could have already posted the summary and even synopsis.
I've just been busy with other things recently. Plus, I didn't notice the official synopsis until earlier today.
Exams haa am also doing it
So when are the exams finishing there?
It's Half-Term here, I've been busy with just relaxing.

Regardless, this isn't the place to discuss this. This is an episode thread, so it needs to stay on-topic.
I've been curious about a full-SYNCHROM battle. I wonder if Zero will always control the combo, or will he "tap out" and let Shinobu battle sometimes.

Either way, I sense a severe lack of plot. It's just battle after battle. MFB did the same until Ryuuga was introduced, if I recal correctly.
(Jun. 09, 2012  12:29 AM)JBladerMS Wrote: [ -> ]I've been curious about a full-SYNCHROM battle. I wonder if Zero will always control the combo, or will he "tap out" and let Shinobu battle sometimes.

Either way, I sense a severe lack of plot. It's just battle after battle. MFB did the same until Ryuuga was introduced, if I recal correctly.

Me too JBladerMS and with only 15 minutes per episode looks too short for the plot's development.
Well the fights might be not that long. Though this one is rather 'important' for the main characters hm. Well, we can do nothing but wait for the ep (beware of crazy Zero/Shinobu fangirls xD).
I'm still unsure on why it took nearly 10 episodes for them to actually introduce a Female Zero-G Blader...
I know seems kinda of a waste of time but it was full episodes then she could have been introduced on episode 5 see the difference.
When does this episode comes out, not being inpatient, just wondering?
It airs in an hour and forty minutes.
Lol manaphy I suggest you edit that quick before getting warned.I got a warning after saying that lol
I only answered a question, I'm sure it's fine.
How cute when Mal sent Kite that message <3
(Jun. 10, 2012  12:28 AM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ]I only answered a question, I'm sure it's fine.

Sorry missed the question
(Jun. 10, 2012  12:44 AM)BH145WD Wrote: [ -> ]How cute when Mal sent Kite that message <3

That was hilarious xD

Overall, fair episode. Finally saw an evolved Special Move; Super Burning Upper. Both battles were short, and as usual, Zero invited them to the group, but this time Ren, Eight and Kite agreed.
I didn't watch it just waiting for Dranzer raw.Can't wait
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