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lol the NeoGAF thread is pretty brutal on it. I haven't bothered reading through much of it because a lot of it is complaining over stupid things like physics in a game where a hedgehog is the fastest thing around. I've heard some of the music, and it's not exactly mind blowingly memorable like previous tracks in the series have been, even to someone like me who's doesn't follow Sonic at all.
hahaha that mine cart level looked intolerable
Yep, act 2 seems to be Sonic team letting out their "creative energy" with horrible gimmicks. :\
(Apr. 05, 2010  11:45 PM)Giga Wrote: [ -> ]Wow. All of sonic 4 has been leaked.* The sonic 4 thread at sonic retro has been closed down.

* I am not going to allow links to the leaks in this thread. You can talk about them, but don't link to them please. Thanks Smile
wow wait isnt sonic 4 on wii ware
(Apr. 06, 2010  2:23 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]hahaha that mine cart level looked intolerable

Sonic couldn't sucessfully copy Mario in the 3D realm, so now is the time to fail at borrowing ideas from Donkey Kong.
ugh the medals in unleashed. it's the first time I have ever copied an online gamesave, just to not put up with collecting the medals to progress and the werehogs stages. Worth it to play the daytime stages, but that "You have not won a trophy" sign is so irritating.
I can't wait for sonic 4 to come out on wii ware! Grin
okay m8 well Sanic is here now so yeah yo Necro hedgehog it up guys
2010, 6 years later imma rekt this thread with sanic memes and 3d blast.

3d blast is my fav doe.
(Jan. 11, 2016  12:25 AM)Meta madness Wrote: [ -> ]2010, 6 years later imma rekt this thread with sanic memes and 3d blast.

3d blast is my fav doe.

Nah, man. Sonic Adventure is definitely the best sonic game.
Sonic is like, my favourite video game character ever. He goes fast and everything.
To bad he can't have a solid game style, he has to change it every other week. Kinda like an undecided guy on his first date.
I like both the Adventure games albeit they haven't aged well, I think Sonic 3&K is my favourite and Sonic Advance as well. I also like Sonic Generations. I think Secret Rings is my least favourite game, the controls barely respond for me. Sonic Boom Rise Of Lyric isn't that bad for me as it seems like an average platformer, it's better than Sonic 2006, though I don't hate that game as much either, the soundtrack and visuals are great in that, and there are times of fun.
Sonic Lost Worlds was a great game. Probably one of the best. Unsmith

@[Neo], do you agree? Wink
(Jan. 11, 2016  1:31 AM)Hato Wrote: [ -> ]Sonic Lost Worlds was a great game. Probably one of the best. Unsmith

@[Neo], do you agree? Wink

I like Lost World.

I think my favourite Sonic games are Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic Adventure and Sonic Generations.

My least favourite is Sonic Chronicles.
(Jan. 11, 2016  1:42 AM)Momohimi Wrote: [ -> ]I think my favourite Sonic games are Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic Adventure and Sonic Generations.

My least favourite is Sonic Chronicles.

Sonic 2 is probably one of my favourites, since I played that along with Sonic and Sonic 3 as my first Sonic games on my Sega Saturn.

My favourites would be Sonic 2, Sonic and Mario at the Olympics Games and Sonic Lost Worlds

My least favourite game is Sonic Adventure
Sonic the Fighters got a edgy most ya know.
Sonic Labyrinth is my favourite, so far.
Only thing that challenges it is Sonic Blast.
Or Sonic R.
An sonic 06
The theme of Sonic R gives me goosebumps. Kinda reminds me the theme of Intellivision Lives.
I think Sonic Lost World is the hardest Sonic game, followed by Unleashed and Sonic 2006, but Sonic 2006 had many flaws that made it hard instead of being designed that way.
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