World Beyblade Organization

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hi. my name is Destiny.
i've been a passionate and faithful beyblader for a few years now. i love everything about it! im so glad that Beyblade has made a return, i remember when i used to dream of the day when beyblades would be made of metal Joyful_2 now that they are, im even more stoked on beyblading! sad part, none of the kids i know have beyblades, so im stuck training at my house. T_T well, i know i won't be the only kid with beyblades when they release Metal Fusion over here! i can't wait!
Welcome Grin Where are you from?
im from hawaii, but i live in columbia MD
thank you!! xD
Welcome =)
welcome. Smile so now we have hagane ginga, ginga hagane, and ginga hagane 109. nice Smile
Welcome Grin
Welcome to the WBO. Grin
Welcome have fun here!
Welcome to the WBO! I think there may be some members near-ish you. You should check the map. Wink
Welcome to WBO!
XD thank you all!!! i appreciate the welcoming!!
Good afternoon and welcome to you, although I am rather new myself Joyful_3
good afternoon to you too! xD and welcome to WBO Joyful_2
XDD thank you all! X3
Greetings. Enjoy your time here at the W.B.O.

I am a Robot. Chocked_2

...Not so much. I'm just a taaaaaaad crazy. Hope you have fun here. Grin
don't worry, were all crazy in our own special way! and thank you!!
welcome to the WBO.We hope you have a pleasant time here!
hey hope you like it here welcome blader hmm no way..nah
Welcome! Grin
Welcome to the WBO Smile
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