Yeah, we all know how these threads work and yes, the exclamation mark was totally necessary. Go on, come up with some cool stadium ideas and have fun. You know you want to :p.
Don't know if this should be closed or not, but I was thinking somewhere along the lines of a cross between the Hasbro Destroyer Dome and the Zero-G Stadiums = a Gyrobowl stadium. The Beyblades' force will cause one bowl to swing on top of the other, so they don't self-KO, and they would be able to spin upside down (or at least Attack types would if they moved fast enough). It would be epic if they made it clear. The only problem would be there would be no way to stadium out, so it would not be WBO approved.
A two-level stadium would be great, with ramps to go down to the lower level and double as KO areas.
A Takara Tomy Attack Type stadiums that have ramps like the ones in the show so you can possibly fly up and do crazy carp special moves and stuff. LolXD
This thread is pointless to have.
Why exactly, Thunder? If you are referring to the one I made, I'm removing it...
A Hasbro BB-10.
Because... Well, ya know.
EDIT: Minus the paint and/or stickers.
Yes, that would most likely be the best stadium released ever by Hasbro, or even Takara Tomy.
Haha lol XD

(May. 24, 2012 11:04 PM)Crab Commando Wrote: [ -> ]A two-level stadium would be great, with ramps to go down to the lower level and double as KO areas.
They had a stadium very similar to what you are describing in the Plastic Era, I don't recall what it's called, but from what I remember, the battles were actually not much different, haha.
Yeah, I know which one you're talking about Zancrow. I recall hearing from several members that it was terrible though for plastics, but not a clue about MFB.
But yeah, Hasbro BB-10, 2 level stadium, anything that isn't similar to the enclosed bowl design or the PTW based stadiums.
From TT... Re-release of Tornado Attack (or something near identical) Turbo Zero-G stadium, even though it would be so dumb XD
It was called the Tower Stadium, and LeeDraciel had a video of it somewhere. Gimmicky and ineffective, but still interesting.
No ramps though, just a hole in the center of the top floor where you drop to the bottom haha.
It was done in Plastics? That's kinda cool!
I really want a Magnacore-like stadium for MFB. Then I realized that we have no magnets.

This calls for horrid track adaptors! *cough*BeywheelzTracks*cough*
Haha just kidding. We need some really crazy stadiums like Magnacore ones though. Motorized depth-changing craters or something? Sounds complex, but it would be pretty fun!
Actually, the magnestadium magnets affect the movement of any bey with a metal face. If you want more than that, perhaps neodymium faces could accompany such a stadium.
NF-H, huh?
Really, there should be bigger stadiums. My friend made a stadium with different slopes, dips, flat areas, and tornado ridges in his garage, and it's the size of a dinner table. It's pretty awesome, since it's really a Balance type stadium. Depending on where you launch, you will get different results. He also made a mock of Zero-G stadia and made a 5-pocket, tornado ridged stadium about the size of the Deka Stadium. There should be stadiums like this, but not as big, but also not as small as most stadiums.
(May. 25, 2012 2:22 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, the magnestadium magnets affect the movement of any bey with a metal face. If you want more than that, perhaps neodymium faces could accompany such a stadium.
That would be really cool! Neodynium Faces would work much better than track adaptors. Hold on, what's neodynium? Some sort of magnetic metal?
: That sounds amazing. Think you or your friend could post a photo of it?
Neodymium is a "rare earth element", as people on ebay like to call it, that is used to make powerful magnets. I bought some a while back that were exactly the same size as a magnecore magnet so I could replace them and have some fun but it turns out the magnecore magnets were already neodymium and equally powerful.
I am lead to believe that hard drives are made with even more powerful ceramic magnets but I have never actually seen anything stronger than neodymium myself.
They come with health warnings and everything when not encased in plastic.
Oh yes, those "rare earth magnets". I have heard good things about them from the toy customizing community.
A Zero-G Stadium with no escapes so it would be like a cage match
A tilting SVS? Seems bad...
I guess one way you can balance an exit-free stadium is to make it wider than the Attack Type Zero-G stadium?
How about a stadium that has a motor in it just like the Ultimate Bey-Ta Stadium but, the whole inside of the stadium rotates instead of just the middle core? That would be a sick stadium for RF.
I will call it: Tornado Attack Stadium Version 2.0.
(May. 26, 2012 2:01 AM)Ignition Wrote: [ -> ]How about a stadium that has a motor in it just like the Ultimate Bey-Ta Stadium but, the whole inside of the stadium rotates instead of just the middle core? That would be a sick stadium for RF.
I will call it: Tornado Attack Stadium Version 2.0.
: What about adding a thick Super Attack stadium ridge to it? It would kind of keep the beys in, and cause interesting movement.
Me and my friend actually went to a park recently with a hasbro mobile stadium and put it at the bottom of a slide that was in a spiral, and launched our beys down the slide, and into the staduim at the bottom, where they battle. We were thinking of asking hasbro to make a smaller version of it.
(May. 26, 2012 4:56 AM)AgentBlitz Wrote: [ -> ] (May. 26, 2012 2:01 AM)Ignition Wrote: [ -> ]How about a stadium that has a motor in it just like the Ultimate Bey-Ta Stadium but, the whole inside of the stadium rotates instead of just the middle core? That would be a sick stadium for RF.
I will call it: Tornado Attack Stadium Version 2.0.
: What about adding a thick Super Attack stadium ridge to it? It would kind of keep the beys in, and cause interesting movement.
Me and my friend actually went to a park recently with a hasbro mobile stadium and put it at the bottom of a slide that was in a spiral, and launched our beys down the slide, and into the staduim at the bottom, where they battle. We were thinking of asking hasbro to make a smaller version of it.
Nah, just add a thick tornado ridge. And interesting idea!
i want to see a multi-floor stadium and it has ramps to go down
but each floor is a different enviroment(rocks, desert, grass, even water) and the first blade to the bottom wins or whoever is the last one standing
My Idea would be a this. A BB-10 on a column. Surrounding the column is a cylinder like a bucket with enough space for a bey to go in after getting knocked out. The players could fill the floor of the cylinder with anything they wanted like rocks, water, or anything else.