World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Story] Taylor
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So , this is what I do when I'm bored in class. I write a story.

Chapter 1 :

Chapter 2:

So yeah. Any critisms guys? I'll probably write 1 chapter every week.
Good start.

But you should really change your title. It's too vague. Make an interesting title and more people will be interested.
Any suggestions on what I should change it into?
Um... maybe... "The Creepy Story"... For some... odd reason... this story really creeped me out... Uh... "she gave birth"...? Chocked_2
I agree, you should tweak it so it dosen't seem creepy
I like creepy stories though gravity :3
Aha, it was just a joke made by the class because she was a bit fat, so yeah. And hey, I wrote the story out of the blue, so might not be that quality. Thanks though. Smile
LOVE this. The suspense make it so exciting!
One week for one chapter? I lied! So nobody's at home, and I'm really bored. So chapter 2 is finished! Yeah, I admit this chapter might be a little creepy. But yeah. Also, you guys might not understand some of the parts because it's some customs in the East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Chapter 2:
Any comments on chapter 2, guys?
Sorry, but I'm mentally disturbed right now. To my romantically innocent mind, this story is psychological abuse... He... crawled... on... the... ground...? *shudders in fear*
Romantically innocent mind? What. But like I said, it's the customs over here, so yah. You might not like the story now, but you might like it later on. But I can assure you that this is not a creepy story. Smile
Sorry for double post, but I have the base story for Chapter 3 already made. If you're wondering why I make the chapters so fast, it's because I have this little group in school and we think about what we're going to write together.