World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Epic Poke Sprite Battle!
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The Wbo hasn't had a great poke sprite battle for a while now so I thought I might start one up myself. Anyone is allowed to enter the comp. My older brother (The well known Poke Spriter RowDog) will be the judge. (I've recently just got back into spriting so I will be entering). If anyone else would like to judge just let me know.
• Must be a pokemon sprite.
• You are only allowed to post one sprite each.
• Your sprite must be posted as well as your pokemon's name, type, moves, & pokemon used.
• At least one of your moves must be custom made. Please describe your custom made move in detail. Don't forget power and accuracy.
• All sprites must be entered before the 1st of July.Don't be late.

Your will be judged on:
Sprite Creativity: how creative you sprite is. Out of 10.
Sprite Looks: how good your sprite looks. Out of 10.
Appropriate: appropriate name, type, moves. Out of 5.
Custom Move: how appropriate, creative, well described custom move is. Out of 5
Total: your total score. Out of 30.
Prize will consist of glory and bragging rites. (All you could ever want). Wink
Post Sprites on This Thread, Don't be Late, Judges Let me Know

Current Judges:
2. TFW

TWF,NooDooSoup, if you find this thread, can you please judge or participate.Cute
Even though you didn't consent with me before hand I wouldn't mind judging.
Can I also say that I disagree with bonus points. Just get rid of them or I won't even give or take any when judging.
Ok, ok, no bonus points.Crying
I suppose I'll go first then. Effort?

[Image: th_Grim.png]
Name: Bansear (A cross between the words Banshee and Sear).
Type: Ghost/Fire
Moves: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Punch, Lava Plume, (custom move) Infernal Grasp.
Infernal Grasp: power: 100 Accuracy: 85 PP: 5
The user latches onto the opponent, before engulfing it’s hands in scorching hot flames and dealing heavy damage with a 50% chance of burning the opponent.
Pokemon Used: Duskull, magnazone, dosknoir, regigigas, magcargo, scratch.

Hope you like it.
You should actually put the TCG stuff on the OP. I'll judge that stuff.
I actually have two sprite shops now, so I have a lot of work to do. I'm also working in Pokebeaches Create A Pokemon contest making the sprite of their fakemon.
You guys should join so we can keep in touch easier.
It's a pokemon forum so you guys will blend in.