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"The mystery that was never solved..."

Hello people! It's me, XwailingX, writer of Empire of Dissonance and Bladers of Legend. (If anyone ever read the latter) I am presenting to you my newest story!

Reach Out for the Truth

Hope people support this because this will be my "Flagship Novel" and I have also posted chapters on Penpad. So, here we go.




Chapter 1

Great grammar! The prologue kinda creeped me out! You took my name, Xavier, didn't you? Well, great job, anyway! Keep up the good writing!
...what? Your name? From what story? Anyway thanks! I'll post Chp. 2 soon enough.
(May. 01, 2012  8:50 PM)XwailingX Wrote: [ -> ]...what? Your name? From what story? Anyway thanks! I'll post Chp. 2 soon enough.

I didn't use Xavier in any story, I just suggested it to writers willing to use it. I did so because I was kinda tired of everyone calling their characters Bob, Joe, John, Rebecca, or Sarah.
Just because he uses a common name, you think he took it from you...?
That's a pretty good story. Kinda weird, but pretty good!
(May. 01, 2012  10:46 PM)Granblue Wrote: [ -> ]Just because he uses a common name, you think he took it from you...?

Xavier isn't a common name. I can't think of ANY common names that start with the letter 'X'.
Aeon, you changed it again! Nice prologue there! And I thought it was Reach out for the True Lie.
Oh right! Thanks. I'll be fixin' that. Anyway here are Chapter 2 and 3!

Chapter 2


Chapter 3

(May. 07, 2012  9:15 PM)Psylent Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 07, 2012  8:08 AM)XwailingX Wrote: [ -> ]Oh right! Thanks. I'll be fixin' that. Anyway here are Chapter 2 and 3!

Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Post them in the OP,that way people don't have to search for the chaptersSmile

Great story, great grammar! Yes, please post them in the OP. I didn't know you had typed them untill I saw this post that Psylent had made. Thank you in advance.
BUMP! I'm bumping all around. Guys, I need criticism. xD
Alright, alright...... Chapter 4!

Chapter 4