World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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I'm DuobladeXYZ but you can call me Duoblade. I am 16 years old and just recently got back into Beyblade after several years. I was into Beyblade a long time ago (when I was 9-10 I think). About a year ago I saw the anime and thought "wow, this is cool". Once I get some money I might buy myself some Beyblades xD (hopefully when I get a job this summer). Anyways, more about me. I am interested into anime, computers, internet, and video making. I make Youtube Poops on my Youtube channel which I'll have to show you guys sometime. Youtube Poop is a genre of videos that have lots of random humor in them (stuttering, messed up audio, visual effects, etc). I am good with computers so if you guys need help with the site or not, feel free to call me up! Anyways, hello everyone! Smile
Welcome to the WBO. Much you need is in the welcome PM. Please refer to that when you have a question. Anyways, welcome to the WBO! Have a great time here.
Welcome to the WBO!

If you have any question regarding the WBO, come to me. Have a great time here!
welcome to the WBO... read your first PM that Kai-V sent you
Welcome to the WBO. Make sure you read the rules, respect the other members, and have fun.

Here are some threads you might find helpful.

if you have questions about the WBO you should go to Questions about the WBO to ask it.

If you have any questions about the hobby of beyblading itself, then Ask a question get an answer the place to ask it.

If you need combination help, please go Build me a combo #2 for help.