World Beyblade Organization

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Hi, I'm writing a new story, here it is:
Chapter 1: A Weird Day... Or Night
Chapter 2:You Tell Me!

How do you like that?

You do realize that you've created two of these topics, right? One of them may have to be deleted.
Yeah, it was an accident, I'd rather have the other one deleted. How do you like the story?
The chapters need to be longer and you need more description. Just some advice.
I guess it's alright Needs more of a story
Oh, I will add more when I feel like it. Any Questions?
From what I could make out, a boy acquires a mystical stone tablet in his dreams, and it carried over into the real world. It's up to him to use the tablet to fight off the nightmares.
A Nightmare is a beast of darkness that, if given enough power from stealing your dreams it could kill you in your sleep. And there will be Large swords that destroy stuff.
Sorry for the double-posting, but I added more of the chapter in the OP.
Here is each character
Kobura: narrorator
Makoto:Mysterious girl
He woke up and the tablet was on his stomach, but he didn't know it and it fell on the floor.
Um... Makoto is a Japanese name, but Zeo isn't. i suggest that you change Zeo to an actual Japanese name, like Kyorei, or change Makoto to an English name, like Marianne.
How do you change Polls? Plus I will do a new part soon.
Umm... you cant change polls to what I remember.
Okay everyone, in stead of Zeo, his name is Kobura(Cobra) to be an acual japenese name.(or word, I guess)

[ spoiler ] lolololol [ /spoiler ]

no spaces
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