World Beyblade Organization

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I tried to make a WBO app for android users(its very basic, Don't expect too much from it)
here is the link-------
here is the qrcode[Image: img.php?s=8&d=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.4shared.c...droid.html]
Wat does it do?
It is a start of a WBO link accessable from your Android phone.
(Apr. 24, 2012  11:14 AM)Focus Wrote: [ -> ]Wat does it do?

I guess a faster version of WBO, And he should make an apple version Crying
I am going to add a special section(or tab) for manga and anime
even though it's not approve yet, I don't think it's that useful. see, The WBO has no issues whatsoever on the mobile web. so I don't see why this is needed.

But cool job Smile will you update it?
not now.......but i do see an update coming in a week's time or so
What program did you use to make the app.Eclipse or what?
Am interested on making a App but the codes are sooo hard to do.
You got it right its Eclipse