World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Kite and Eight are brothers, yes ...

And it is spelt, apparently, "Kite".
It's spelled and pronounced Eito in English. I looked up the name on several sites with said Japanese name. None of them say Eight. And the other name is spelt Kaito. Both are real Japanese names.
(Apr. 23, 2012  9:07 AM)DranzerX13 Wrote: [ -> ]It's spelled and pronounced Eito in English. I looked up the name on several sites with said Japanese name. None of them say Eight. And the other name is spelt Kaito. Both are real Japanese names.

Then you clearly forgot to take a look at the name of the pictures for Kite and Eight on the site. There is no other official site that writes any hint of English names.
I think mal is adorable! She's like a mini Madoka!
Madonna isn't cute and adorable that's just the way she acts to get more fame
oops, sry
i ment to say madoka. Stupid auto correct. I HATE MADONNA!!!!!!!!!!!! I was typing that on my ipod sooo, yeah. let edit that. SRY TO YALL THAT RAD MADONNA INSTEAD OF MADOKA!!!
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