World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Exclusive! Emory Pierce Eternus introduces himself after years of seclusion!
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Hello, Bladers.
My Blader name is Emory Pierce Eternus, and after several years, I have returned to the world of Beyblade. No, I really do not enjoy the current show, but the old series will always stay in my heart. Building and custom-naming my Beys once again conquers a large portion of my time, yet i have yet to acquire an arena. (looking for the old V-force carrycase arena or the Beyultimate stadium.. both hard-finds.) I'm rekindling my friends' love for Beyblades by beginning a local circuit/group-of-bladers. (I like "circuit" better.) So, if you live in Mississippi and enjoy Blading, check out our facebook page.

Thanks for your time, Bladers.
~Emory Pierce Eternus.
Were you on any of the old Beyblade fansites at all ? Off the Chain, Beyblade Damashii, Beyblade Spirit, etc. ?
If he is 15 right now, I doubt it..
Anyway welcome to the WBO either way!
Dan is correct. I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea about any of those..
Also, Glad to be here!
So you were barely five when you last Beybladed ? I suppose I just expected you to be more into the target audience, since tournaments usually multiply the enjoyment someone has for a series.
welcome to the WBO
Welcome and even though i live in the uk i might have a chance to battle you durin the summer break cuz im goin to the USA during the summer break... and anyway welcome *please don`t erase this post*
More around eight, I think, Kai.
Welcome to the World Beyblade Organization!
Please read your welcoming private message for any questions you might have and for helpful threads.
If there isn't an answer to a question in the private message about a you may have about the site, then you should go here to ask it.
If you have any questions about the hobby of beyblading itself, then here's the place to ask it.
If you need combination help, please go here for help.
Although this all should be in your welcoming private message already Smile