Wow...both of these are actually very amazing...
Did you draw them while looking at a picture? Or still image?
Or did you just straight up free draw it?
These are amazing. I really don't know how to say this without being critical, but they would be even cooler if you colored them in?
Yu!!!!!!!!! My favorite character. You've done a very nice job on him. I love all the others too. Ryuga was spot on perfect IMO. Keep up the good work!
Thanks. I will be adding more later.
The Jesse one looks good.

Nice Job! I love the drawings of Yuu and Chris. But I can never get Ryuga right V.V
Thank You AnubisBlader. I'm so happy you guys liked my drawings!

I will be adding a lot more drawings later.
Wow nice ones! Ilike the Ryuga's sketch very much

I'm glad you liked my drawings Focus!

Sorry I haven't been adding new pics lately, it's because of Spring Break.
I am coloring the sketches so I will post them later.
Almost done drawing them, they look pretty awesome I'll update them in 2 days so on April 12th.
Sorry guys that I took so long i was in vacation for 5 days but I'm back I will post the Chris and Ryuga pics that I colored tomorrow.
Sorry guys have a lot of homework to do so I will be sure that I will upload the colored sketches on the weekends if I have time.
I like them!!! I think I am gonna make a thread for my drawings as well.
Thanks Trisix. I'm glad you liked them!
These are really good. I think the best ones are Ryuga and Jessie.
Thank You ScrabScientist!