World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada] Vancouver BeyClub
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Any progress on this? I want to schedule it soon.
i went to brentwood today.

I was talking to a cashier and apparently he says he interested in beyblades.

he says to talk to the boss only on sunday.

its core games

Brentwood Mall

604 521 4471
Alright so Johnny wants a weekend so he can give the ye or ne. Preferable to have two weekends to choose from. He would prefer not the last weekend of July mostly because that would be the back to school sale time in Metrotown and he expects to be busier that time. Which leaves us with three weekends, Brad gimme two days to pitch to him, Saturdays :3

Marco: I'll look into that venue too, I'd like a number of them out here since it would probably be beneficial to have back ups and multiple for variety and exposure.
Any Saturday in August is good for me, Hiro.
Got the ok from Johnny, he's good for whatever saturday we want (8th, 15th, or 22nd). We have a few options and i believe we're looking at a $2 door fee which i already said i'd cover for 10-20 people myself.

i have some more details but this post was made with a stylus on my phone lol the rest when i get home.

for the record i vote 22nd :3
Will start preparing for this tonight, then. I'm good with August 22 as well.
alright, 22nd it is.

hey brad is the beyblade sell list gonna be huge this time?
I asked if anyone wanted anything. Nobody ever gave me a response about what they wanted.

If you want something, you can order it from eBay ... everything is out of stock in Japan right now ...
102-4800 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2, Canada‎ - (604) 435-4551‎

This the place?
Yes, well sort of that address is the malls address.

For those in the need of information, the venue is a store within a mall, a large mall, one large enough to warrant its own skytrain station :3

Basically take the sky train to metrotown center. Dolphin and I will be making a directional video for people Smile

Also, I'm not familiar with the actual area it is in the mall, IE: what wing, etc, so I'll have to get directions shortly Smile
Reviving this 'cause I think we need some more Vancouver Bey Club discussion... and well, we'll hopefully be adding a few more Vancouver Bladers to the list Grin
Well I mean, the event coming up sort of is all we have right now Tongue_out
I'm still trying to get more people to this.

I got one at least.

Most of the people who signed the sheet at AN did not respond to my e-mails Unhappy
I know around at least 4 of them are members of this site now, excluding myself and Dolphin in that number. Not sure how many you had on the list though.

We gained two or three posting on the AE forums as well and one or two from me and Dolphin. I'd say we can guarantee at least 8 WBO members at the event, and probably closer to 15 participants.
my scouting days are doing ok.

3 so far.

1 might come this month.

and 2 from my work, they say they are interested but too busy for this month.
so they are most likely in for next month
So I am going to have LOTS of Beyblades to sell at this event. Lots of Virgo, Leone, and Libra, along with loads of HWS from RBV3.

Bring your wallets!
(Aug. 04, 2009  2:33 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Smile

Most of the people who signed the sheet at AN did not respond to my e-mails Unhappy

well maybe try again, they might have deleted the message by mistake.

plus do you think its possible to pay for a bey passport at the event, i dont do paypal
hey beybrad could you make another one here after mfb release?????
umm Brad doesn't live in British Columbia anymore. He's in Montreal now.
i know. but doesnt he have a blader passport so all he does is email a store or something use the passport and ya
Your post makes no sense.
PM me i lived in vancouver for a LONG timeso i know where to plan it i suggest a community centre Smile theres 1 near my house and they have a HUGE park or we can rent the gym Smile but ssadly no skytrains there ): oh and do we have to pay to get in?
I Live in Vancouver BC. I might join. I want to buy blades if possible. Im bringing maybe 40 Dollars?
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