World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: The darkness [story and sequel to 'a throw of the dice']
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Gingka felt the ground shaking beneath his feet as he walked through his home town, bey village, but he thought nothing of it, there had been alot of those the past few days. The town was worried at first, they thought it was some sort of dark sign or an earthquake.

"Hey Gingy" Yu Tendo's voice called from just up the road.

"Hey, Yu! what is it?" he replied.

"Kyoya wants you, something about a big bey battle." Yu said, excitedly.

"Oh well then-" Gingka started.

"Go Leone!" Kyoya's Fang Leone came speeding though the air, only just missing Gingka's face.

"GO SHOOT!" Gingka shouted, recovering from Kyoya's surprise attack.

Big bang Pegasis went skidding smoothly across the dirt roads surface just as an ear splitting sound echoed through the valley and the ground began to vibrate stronger than ever.

"Wh-what's that?" Yu asked nervously.

"GET DOWN!" Kyoya called, just as a tree narrowly missed Yu.

Just as the sound was about to, seemingly, rupture there ears, a dark puple hole appeared infront of them, and started sucking them in.

"I-I can't hold on for much longer," shouted Gingka.

"Just go with the flow!" replied Kyoya letting himself be pulled into the purple light.

Gingka saw no other choice but to follow after him.

"Yu, we're going to follow Kyoya, okay?" and at that moment a cruel, evil laughter screamed through the valley, Gingka knew that voice. He jumped, knowing he couldn't bear to hear anymore, and Yu followed willingly.

Name: Ichiro Yagame
I stood staring intently at the beyblade arena as Michael's gravity perseus slammed into Ichiro's blitz unicorno, knocking him to the side but unicorno recovered quickly and darted towards perseus, in persuit of revenge as I decided to make my move.

"GO! Lucks tornado!" I shouted at the top of my voice.

At that moment a lighting tornado formed above my burn aries, causing Michael and Ichiro's eyes to dart towards aries and stare. That's when i made my move, just before they had time to revert their eyes back to the actual battle and defend themselves. Lightning flashed across the room for a moment before an astoundingly strong wind whipped through the room, knocking my two friends to the floor.

"Hahaha, that was fun!" I called as my friends lay on the floor for a while longer, groaning in pain.

"Dude, you gotta calm down, it's not like this is the anime." moaned Ichiro.

"Yeah, it's not like beyblades the most important thing in the world!" Agreed Michael.

"I guess, sorry guys." I mumbeld.

"DINNER!" I heard my mum call from the kitchen downstairs.

As we raced down stairs, I suddenly saw a purple light being emmited from the barthroom.

"Hey guys, hold up." I called.

"What is it now? I'm hungry!" Protested Michael.

"Just follow me," I replied.

I cautiously approached the light, searching for its source. We turned the corner just as an even stronger torrent of wind than was created by my aries.

"It's pulling us in!" shouted Michael above the fearsome roar of the whipping wind.

He was right, I noticed, the purple light was pulling them towards it. I was just about to call out for help when it swallowed my entire body, and pulling me into darkness.
epicness! can me be in it
sure Grin but there's only 1 space left now... Wink tell me/ post what you want your character to be like and then i'll decide one more person apart from you to be in it as a main character! Grin (nationsbeyblade, it would be nice if you could also post what you want your character to be like, don't worry, i've already got your real name! XD)
he should be like the one in my story
Ok Grin, i'll try my best... Smile
haha looks like first episode of MFB 4D.
does it? lol... ive never seen it XD i don't think it's come out in english yet, but i can assure you, the rest of it shouldn't be Smile
oh yeah, and if there are any spelling mistakes, please correct them Grin
when d next chapter?
not sure :L the thread doesnt seem to be very active so i might take a break/quit or if it becomes a little more active, then i'll cary on
Can I request a character?
Name: Ichiro Yagame
Bey: Kage Kyuubi CH120 RXF(= Rubber Extreme Flat)
is Kage Kyuubi an actual bey?
no I invented him
a new character needs a new bey xD
sorry, ill create the character, but not a new beyblade (the one that you pick can be any beyblade which is real, even plastic).
then i pick Blitz Unicorno
ok, what are the spin track and performance tip?
actually , doesnt matter, ill just put blitz unicorno :L
i thought chiron went crazy
that's not chiron though :L it's me! Grin
nic story man. haha guess its good now
but dont chiron have the same bey as u
thanks! the chapters not done yet though, im still working on it ! Grin so have you really lost intrest in beyblades ? Unhappy
: Ahhh! that's where it gets interesting Wink
oh what so something weird gonna happen
yeah. . . it's gonna be CRAZY . lol
(Feb. 28, 2012  8:51 PM)Luck Wrote: [ -> ]ok, what are the spin track and performance tip?

85 R2F
and VERY VERY VERY good story!!
If this was a manga or a book or a comic or whatever, I would buy the whole series!!!
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