World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: February 2012 Giveaway: BB-126 Flash Sagittario 230WD - Passport Holders Only
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At one of Omega's tournaments ? He owes us three tournaments worth of money and results still. If you know how to contact him personally outside of this website, I really urge you to do so.
Sounds like you got scammed. Are there any possible legal actions you can take? Or did he basicly screw you and there is nothing you can do? Hopefuly not the latter...
Sagittario! your mine.
Unless someone knows where he lives and everything, then there is not much we can do if he refuses to read our emails and private messages ... It is really sad that someone would dare screw their whole community, notably people who live really close to him in real life. As I wrote in the "The Matter of Money in the World Beyblade Organization" topic, that money is neither the hosts', nor ours: it is the community's. We just act as a bank, but we never ever take it for ourselves personally. Never.

Omega actually did seem to genuinely want to send us the results and everything, but he could not be that busy all of a sudden that he could not have sent us a reassurance lately at least ...
Is bribing allowed? (Just kidding) Enter me!
Mind adding me in Pinching_eyes_2
im in
im in.
I will join in this one. Maybe i will win?
enter me please
i want!
Im in!
i love beyblade
Enter Me
im not sher i got a pasport but i think i do because at the face race in ronoke i was there and my mom said i got a thing that gives me more acksas to the wbo so i can do more. but can you check and see if i do have one and if i do count my in the giveaway.

hey sign me up please.
Cute u got to give it to me me is epic and #2 which means poop
Yes, yes, yes! My luck and I have conversed, and have come to the conclusion that I will win!
I will spare you the long speech, and say this: SIGN ME UP, PLEASE!!!!
Enter Me
Entered , nothing better to do but to have losing battles with online contests Unhappy
enter me
count me in!
Flash Sagittario is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not sure if its to late est time but if it isn't enter me
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