Feb. 21, 2012 4:03 AM
I have never writen a story that people have liked much,so this story might suck.
but i will still write and post chapters every week (if i miss a week i will make up for it in the next week).
I know that I missed a few chapters but I can't make up for it now due to startesting
here is chapters 1-11, hope you like it!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
but i will still write and post chapters every week (if i miss a week i will make up for it in the next week).
I know that I missed a few chapters but I can't make up for it now due to startesting
here is chapters 1-11, hope you like it!

Chapter 1
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The Dark World all started this morning. I had just woke up, and was getting dressed for school. I wasn't popular at school, i guess you can say i was a nobody. The only people that knew me, were strong bladers, bladers from tournaments that i have entered and won. I know that might sound a little mean or selfish, but, I really have won every tournament I entered. Anyways, I got Bullied alot, and today, I had enough. As I was leaving out the front door, I quickly grabed my beyblade, Dark Wolf, and ran out the door. I didn't have a bike or a scooter, and my mom and dad leave way before I go to school, so I run to school. Everybody calls me bey, but my real name is Lei. My only real friend is Imadori, I met him in a tournament, he got seconed place, with Rock Aquirio. He is very nice, and always sticks up for me, but that doesn't work all the time, for example, today. When I got to school, the bell rang, time for me to get to class. My first class was math. All I did there was solve math questions for half an hour. Next was science, we made a few chemical reactions, one that I thought was useful, was, making the chemical reaction hit and melt metal. Then it was lunch time. Thats when everything went wrong
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As I was walking to my desk to get my lunch, I saw my friend, Imadori. He looked happy to see me as I was happy to see him. We were eating lunch together, as always, then some bullies, or popular kids, came. They were being so weird around me, like saying, "hey Lei, did you see the game last night?" and stuff like that. It was really anoying,so Imadori finaly said "bug off creeps." They got really mad and said, "why dont you bug off loser?" and then Imadori was like "shut up you jerks you guys are creeping my friend out!" this little talk became a fight, they were kicking and punching. The thing that I felt bad about was it was 3 to 1, my friend Imadori had no chance. Just when I was about to step in to help Imadori, more of the popular kids showed up and just started fighting me. I coulden't beleive that no one was going to help me or Imadori, we were getting beat up pretty badly. Then,something amazing happend, something that I can't explain! Imadori won! I don't know how did it, but I was just happy for him. But I had no time to celebrate, I had to win just like Imadori. Of course I didn't. Imadori had to butt in when I got knocked out. When I woke up in the nurses office Imadori was in my face and yelled "KO!" When I remembered what happend I ran, I ran strait to my classroom. I ran as fast as possible, I had just got a load of energy and I knew what I was going to use it on.
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"FINALY" I said stopping at the class room. Class was starting so I didn't want to run in there. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to go in there and let my anger all out on the stupid popular kids, but I know I couldn't do that, I was one of my teacher's favorites, I didn't want to dissapoint her. So for some odd reason I made up some lie and said "Henri, Jack, and Tyson, you need to follow me for a special test." I don't know why I did it but I just did. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy but they bought it, so they started following me. Then I stopped walking and turned around. Then they stopped walking and looked right at me. "what do you want" they all said. I didn't wait a second after that, I just charged at them as fast as possible. The faces that the had were just plain scared, they didn't know what to do! I guess they didn't have enough time to douge because I hit them head on! After that we were all on the ground, I was proud because they didn't look to good, but neither did I. Next, the P.E. teacher showed up, I didn't know what was going to happen next but it seemed that the popular kids knew. The princeibles office.
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As we were walking to the princeibles office the popular kids were whispering, and I'm sure it was about a plan to sneak their way out of it. I was so maad at them that I would do anything just to get back at them so I just yelled "ROLEPLAY, it was roleplay, thats all". The teacher who found us just looked at the other kids and they imiditly said "YA". The teacher just let us off with a warning and left. "What was that about?" they said, I had only two words to say to them and they were Beyblade Battle. They all said fine but then asked me what it was. After I explained it to them they asked where they can get one, and then I said there is always one lying aroung, and then I saw a Mad Gasher on the ground and picked it up. They said witch one was and I said Mad Gasher, then I gave them one of my extra launchers and we started the count down. 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP! The battle was about to begin. Finaly my friend, Imadori, showed up. He couldn't tell what was happening until he saw the beyblade in my hand. He tried to stop me because he knew they couldn't handle power but I ingnored him. The popular kids were getting confused because of Imadori but they still launched, and so did I. Then Imadori yelled "STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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I was surprised to see that imadori actullay launched his bey. He had a Rock Leon, and with that he (carefully) knocked Mad Gasher out of the stadium and began to fight my Dark Wolf. What are you doing I said and he said if you want a battle then I will give you one! then, he sent his bey strait at mine. I was a little freaked because I knew that I might not win. Before any of the teachers came I had to end this, so I yelled Dark Wolf special move HOWLING DISTRUCTION! Then he yelled WILD FANG DANCE! It was such a big explotion that the whole hallway looked like a rundown subway, obviosly we went to far, I went to far. Then the fire alarm went off. All the students were running like crazy past us, The acted like there was monsters or invader in the school. The teachers were even worse! They were screaming and pushing students out of there way! Even me and Imadori got pushed! We fell to the ground as the beyblades were dodging feet. The popular kids had already took the Mad Gasher I gave them and left with the other kids. Me and Imadori got up and picked up our beys. We were planning to leave but most exits were on fire now, we didn't know we caused this much damage. The only exit that was open was stuffed with other students, all we could do is wait. Ten minutes later and the exit was still stuffed! Me and Imadori decided to find another exit so we didn't have to wait half an hour. The bilding wasn't fully on fire, it was just a small fire in the hall way but a lot of people paniced. Finaly, we found an exit.
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Once we got out of the bilding we both said WHAT A RELEIF! Me and Imadori still hadn't talked about the battle we had inside. At that moment when he launched his bey he CARED for the kids that were so mean to us earlier, and he defended them. It really buged me how he launched his bey just for them. He is way nicer than me but I don't think he is so nice to forgive those jerks. I just thought, forget about. Because the school was on fire they sent us home early. Imadori was comming to my house to train with me as we always did. When we were traning he acted like it was a real battle, he had no mercy and because of that he beat me. I wasn't using my full strength but still, even in training he was never able to beat me. I decieded to take a break, but Imadori kept traning. He seemed like a whole different person. It was, weird, something I couldn't explain. Finaly he said "I'm going home, see you tommorrow!" I said ok and then he left. I thought to myself that he will probubly be better tommorrow. I began training again, Because of the fear of being beaten again, even if it was only a training battle. I trained until it was midnight. I knew I was going to be tired tommorrow but I didn't care. Once it turned 12:30 I went to bed. In the morning, I didn't feel tired, it was odd but I just thought is was just because I drunk an energy drink before I went to bed. Once I got to school Imadori said hey and went to our first class without me. He always went with me so instead of looking like a loser i decided to catch up with Imadori. When I did he didn't look to happy about it.
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He looked at me like I was one of the popular kids. Then he said just bug off man. Then I left. He was being a real jerk ever since the battle. This time I wasn't going to ignore it. When I got to class he was sitting in the same spot, right next to me, but he didn't say a word. When school was out I asked him if he wanted to come over. He said yes, but he hesitated before saying it. Since it was Friday I asked him if he wanted to sleep over. He said no. While we were train i brung up the sleepover again. I told him that we can train all night. He still said no. When he was about to leave I asked him again if he wanted to sleepover, This time I said we can sign up for a tournament togther. He said yes. I thought to myself, FINALY. While he was training I was looking for a tournament to sign up for. There was no comercials, no ads in the newspaper or in my old comic books. I decided to look on websites. When I opened my laptop it said one unread e-mail. The title of the e-mail was for great bladers. When I opened the e-mail it listed a whole bunch of tournaments in my area. Me and Imadori picked the one with the coolest name, Strike Of The Metal. After that, we trained, together. He was being dead serious about the tournament. We have been in many tounaments before, and he was always silly about it, even if he always got in second place. He was acting so weird lately. He finaly said, lets take a break, in a nice way.
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He finally started acting like normal, I wish he stayed that way for long, but when we were eating dinner he was completly silent, and when I tried to talk to him he spazed out and started traning like crazy again.... I joined him. When it turned 12:00 we went to bed. That night, I had the weirdest dream, I'd call it a nightmare though. In my dream, I was at a turnament, I had just won. Then, this guy wearing this hoodie that covers the whole face walked in. He was holding Rock Leon, but, it didn't look normal. It looked like it was evil, darker in some way. Then, he launched and and imiditly I launched. Once our beyblades had the first clash, he took his hood off, it was Imadori, he then yelled I WILL KILL YOU!!! Right when he said that I woke up. I knew that wasn't true, it couldn't be. I didn't know what to do. I knew it was a dream but it seemed so real. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but it was just impossible. I couldn't ignore it. I decided to take a walk, without Imadori. I was thinking a lot about the dream and about how odd Imadori has been acting. It was all so weird, I couldn't put it together. Since Imadori has been acting a kinda mean weird, I thought it had something to do with the dream. But what, what did it have to do with the dream? I was so confused! The only thing I could come up with was how mean he is now and how mean he was in the dream. He keeps on getting weirder and meaner by the day, and he was really mean in the dream if he said "I WILL KILL YOU!!!". Maybe the dream was a vision!!!
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When I got back home I decided to make a chart. This chart was going to tell me how much Imadori progressed in becoming mean by each day. I wrote down what happend so far then I put the chart in my backpack. Finally, I went back to bed. When I woke up I had to get ready fast because strike of the metal, the tournament, was today. Once I got ready, me and Imadori left in a hurry for strike of the metal. Imadori looked exicted for strike of the metal, but he also looked really serious. The tournamennt was really close to my house so we just ran. We got there in like 15 minutes. There was so many bladers, I knew this tournament would take for ever! About thirty minutes later they finaly put the info board up. Me and Imadori were one of the last people to battle in the tournament, Imadori then looked at me and said, looks like we have a lot of waiting to do!
Person beyblade opponent
We waited for at least two hours. Then, it was my turn. I was so ready for it, I WAS BURSTING WITH ENERGY! I was going to WIN!
Person beyblade opponent
We waited for at least two hours. Then, it was my turn. I was so ready for it, I WAS BURSTING WITH ENERGY! I was going to WIN!
Chapter 10
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My opponet was a big bulky guy named rod, his beyblade was rock orso. I didn't know what to think of him, he is big and bulky but that does not mean he is a good blader. We both said 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP, but you could here his deep and loud voice more then mine. He was ok, but I beat him quickly. Next it was Imadori's turn. He was against rod's brother, Tim. Tim had earth orso, he was just like his brother, and he got beat just like his brother. We had to wait another hour till the finals. It was my turn again, I was against Imadori. He walked past me a quickly and said I'm not going easy on you. I said neither will I. As soon as we started we both went all out! He had already used his special move 3 times, I had only used mine once. It looked like I was winning but not by much. About 13 minutes later I had used my special move 2 more times and Imadori had used it 1 more time. It was time to end this. I had to use the rest of my energy in my last move. I hit his bey strait on, but his bey was still spinning!!!
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I had about 3% of my power left, and Imadori had about 30%. There is no way I'm going to win, I thought to my self, but then, it felt like my beyblade was speaking to me, he kept saying to me, don't give up we can still win this! I then yelled OK DARK WOLF ANOTHER TRY, SPECIAL MOVE, HOWLING DESTRUCTION!!! He was still spinning! There was no stopping Imadori, Dark Wolf had stopped talking to me. I basicly had 1% power left and Imadori had about 10% power left. I couldn't lose, I was going to win, for Dark Wolf and for me! Then, I immiditly did a new special move that I had been working on, I yelled, WOLFS FURY! Then, I saw Dark Wolf spinning faster then ever and Rock Leone, in Imadori's hand. He didn't look mad, he looked happy, in fact, really happy! He came up to me and said I'm really happy we got to do this, I hope we get to do it again someday. I was so releved that Imadori was back to normal. After that day, I couldn't beleve that dream I had.