World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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hmm.. what to write..

walp. I'm me. wanna know more.? ask specifics. :3

I thought I'd join up here to find fellow passionate bladers. I used to blade back in the day. It was a big thing at my school. I just recently got back into it a few months ago with some friends. We decided to make a team and get together to do matches and have tourneys and stoof.

I made us a teamsite which is a subsite to my main site.. we're called the Beyiors. haha.
you should chex it:

from there you can see some things about us, visit our youtube page to see our battles, chat with us, etc. i even attempted to make a basic parts/accessories/stadium list with pictures. its not as extensively well done as on here by far, but it works as a simple reference guide. Joyful_2

umm.. yeah. thats about it. xD i and my team may not do things strictly by the book but we try to be as close as possible.. most importantly we're having looaadds of fun. thats whats important right.? Grin
Welcome to the WBO!!

It's cool to see that you guys have your own site! You guys should promote it by competing in tournaments and spreading it around!

Go to the Official Events forum and see if there is a tournament being held near you guys!

PM me if you have any questions, and enjoy your stay!
Spanks. ^ . ^

We're trying our hardest to, believe me. haha.

Thanks for pointing me in the the right direction. Grin Imma head there now.

aannnd will do most def.
It's no problem to help out. Smile

And try to get some recruiting done around your area. Where do you live anyway?
I'm trying to recruit as much as I can. tis hard. I live in east Tennessee, Athens/Sweetwater area. but I'm off at college most of the time in mid TN in Cookeville and only get to bey with them when I come back in every other weekend. Uncertain
Well, maybe you guys can recruit and start a tournament in Athens/Sweetwater.

All you need is 8 WBO members and a BB-10 Attack Stadium and you're set to propose it.

Go to the WBO General: North America forum to start up a thread for your area. You'd be surprised to see the amount of people in TN. Browse other threads to see who else is in TN. Smile
Mk. Mk. Will do. Smile

Got the stadium. just need 3 people. haha. I'll post up when I get the chance. P: noow hw time. -.-'
Hehehe, well just PM me when you have problems or need to know anything. Grin
Hi and Welcome to the WBO! Hope you enjoy!
thanx you NaLu. ^ . ^ I most certainly will. P;
welcome to the WBO. Grin
aaannndd thanks capricorn. i feel loved. haha.