World Beyblade Organization

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Here's the link to the Penpad (Ch.12 is up there!)
pretty nice story you've got there.
Chapter 2,

Meeting the Captain

Minutes later, we were already at Jet's house. We entered through a window in his room. I dropped in first. The skates transformed back to 2 small cubes.
"Hey Jet!" I greeted him. He was wearing a black and red polo. Wearing his usual Beats 4.5 with Jeans and Sneakers.
"Yo Aiden! What are you doing here?"
I smiled, "When are you ready to go for a stroll in the park?"
"Right now, my parents aren't here anyway."
"Really? Alright, me and Cole will meet you outside in 5 minutes."
I climbed out of the window and crawled to the top of the roof, where Cole was waiting for me.
"Do you think we'll really be able to free this world from dictatorship?" He asked me as I sat down.
"Of course... Everything's possible." I replied. Silence filled the air for a few seconds.
"We'll just met Richard right?" He asked me.
"I don't know, maybe we'll still go home..."

Jet popped out of the window. "Let's Go."
He pulled out a hovercube which transformed into a hoverboard. Me and Cole followed.
We flew up and zoomed toward the park, which was pretty near to Jet's house. The feeling was incredible, feeling the wind gently touch your skin. Your clothes and hair fluttering wildly in the wind.

Before I knew it, we appeared on top of the park. We decided to search for Richard on air. "Does he look like anyone?" Cole asked.
"Not really, but he should stand out."
After minutes of searching, Jet pointed to a man that had white hair. Large bangs covering his left eye. He was wearing a dark jacket and jeans. He had shoes that had glowing neon lights in it.
"Is he that one?" Jet asked me.
"Let me ask." I flew down to the person. "Sir... are you by any chance, Richard Sean?"
"Oh, Aiden." He surprised me. He greeted me as if we already know each other.
"Please take these three cards. Always keep them face down all the time. You keep them, and meet with me tomorrow the same time." He said. He was talking rapidly.
"Richard, wait. Can I ask about the Rebellion thing?"
"Oh, of course. Now, we will make a group of thirteen people. I need 7 people from your school." He requested.
"Oh, sure. So, you'll leave now?"
"Yes. We will do introductions tomorrow, when we have a full group. See you!" Richard walked away.

"So, we met him." Cole said. Gliding down to my side.
"We? you mean I did." I replied. "Anyway, I'll meet you guys tomorrow. I need to do what Richard said if I want this rebellion."
"What Rebellion?" Jet asked.
"We'll tell you tomorrow." I smiled.
We split up from the park. That night, I started to forward Richard's emails to all of my classmates. Hoping the next day, they will reply to me in class.
I laid flat on my bed. I was about to sleep when the glinting of the three cards Richard gave to me appeared. The back of the card was patterned with a swirling black and white design. I have no idea what was put in front. What was in front of it? A void that will suck you in? My imagination began to run wild. But I controlled them, and began to drift to sleep.
nice story there!
Thanks THE DRAGOON and Blitzy. Been a while since I posted. Chapter 2 is kinda short huh? It will be a while for Chapter 3 because I will make that one really longer.
You are sometimes forgetting to use past tense verbs. But so far so good. Keep it up!
Yo Guys, Thanks. Anyway here comes Chapter 3. I lied though, it's not that long. Now it's also told in present tense.
Chapter 3

The Alpha of the Omega

I wake up to the very annoying sound of my Alarm Clock. It's 6:30 and I need to get up to school. I lay down my notebook which contains the first 2 chapters of a story that I'm doing. I give a slight sigh and mutter beneath my breath: "I hate school..."
Just to fill you guys in, I go to this school called Darius. For others? Deathtrap. Giant Mechs patrol the school all the time and if you get caught, you'll get shot on the spot. Why? Zeus, the dictator of our sector, is an avid fan of shot in the spots because it references lightning bolts. One time, a student tried running away from the school. He got airstriked. Blitzed, if you want a clear explanation. The students were in charge of scraping his body parts of the walls and floor. I was there and it wasn't a pretty sight to scrape eyeballs from the wall.

I take a wash very easily, and start to wear my clothes. A black shirt that is designed with purple. Black pants coupled with a pair of silvery-black "Fila" Shoes. Now with glowing neons. Yes, our dictator, who is seventeen by the way, is also obsessed with neons. I don't fight him, I like it too.
I get my Ipad 7, hoverskates, and I hang the jacket I wore yesterday over my shoulders. I never leave without it. I head for Darius and I come just in time for my first class, and it seems we have a substitute.
"Hello Class," He starts, freely. "My name is Ronald Graeton, respect me and I respect you, got it?" He says. He's very carefree and talks like he's bored, but he always smiles. He tells us to get our notebooks, not to write notes, but to write down jokes. He's a cool guy.
"Alright, class is over, don't forget your homework!" The class laughs. I approach him and try to invite him. Now I get to see him close, he wears a bunch of green sweaters. Skinny jeans, a pair of sandals and wears square-shaped glasses. Surprisingly, he accepts and laughs. I still accept it though.
I try to scout for more people now. My first pick is one guy that I call my friend. You see, I'm very anti-social. I'm famous in the school for that actually. Ironic, I know.
His name is Jordan Bay, and boy is he queer. I find him quick enough just before lunch break. I explain almost everything.
"Wh-what the, kay dude, I'll think about it." He stammers, and quickly runs away. I try to run after a new girl. I think her name is Diana Forgaiz. I don't know if that's correct though.

I dash toward the Comfort Room. Our school looks like a typical Harvard. So the CR is always far away. I finally reach it just on time. Later On, I finish what I need to do. As I'm washing my hands,I feel something fall from one of my pockets... The Cards. I forgot it was there all the time in my jacket. I watch it lazily drift down and lay on the floor, motionless, facing up. Something inside of it forms, a picture. It's a sword that holds two balances, the picture I mean. I've seen it somewhere, in my card class. The Justice Arcana...

It suddenly transforms into a sword. A long normal looking sword. Gears on it's handle. Blue lights surging through it. Hesitating, I grab it. My first mistake.

It feels like someone is forcing itself to fuse into me. I scream and shout, and after a few moments. It finally ends. I see my hands blazing with some blue abstract energy. I look into the mirror. My eyes has somehow changed from Black to Mako and my hair has white strips on it. I look back and hear voices, guards appear outside the door.
"There you are!" One of them shouts.
I start to run, but I'm cornered as a titanic mech is blocking me from outside the wall. I start slashing at the wall, it splits in half. I look up and see a mech holding a gigantic howitzer at my body. I feel heat coming from it and assume that it's already charging it's fire.
"Fire at will!" One calls out and laughs. Instinctively, I jump up and the plasma fired from the cannon blows the guards into oblivion.
"Who's laughing now." I taunt. I turn my attention to the mech. Feeling confident, I dash and slice at the head. The cockpit splits open and freezes. My power, I assume, is Ice.
Hoping not to get in trouble and since I don't want to get Shot in the Spot; I run away and see the sword transforming into a short rod.
"So that's what those gears are for..." I mumble, still running. My phone rings.

"Aiden?" He says, it's Richard. He sounds different from when we met him.
"Yeah?" I say, after he hears my voice, I hear him laugh softly.
"It begins..."
Yes, that the end. I picked out a theme song for my story by the way.
It's by Rise Against, From Heads Unworthy.
Great chapter. You're good at writing.
Chapter 4
The Criminal, The Outlaw, The Hero

I keep running, phone pressed on my ear. I look back to see two giant mechs and about a million guards chasing me. I can’t believe I have this stamina, this vitality.
“Kleyss, go back to the Central Park as soon as possible.” He says.
“But,” I say, rapidly breathing. “There are a lot of them chasing me.”
“Well we cannot have that, can’t we?” He says. He hangs up.
What did he mean? I should just ask him the chance I get. I keep on running until I see this black blur on one of the buildings. I stop to look at it and also catch my breath. I look back again to see that they have stopped chasing me. Well, this is bad.

Every time someone gets chased and they escape. The dictators send an elite assassin group. They are classified in two groups. Black Sword Masters called the Noxes and White Sharp Shooters called the Luces. White ones always seem to be slow, while black ones can have you crashing on the ground with their sword at your back in a split second. White ones usually use double snipers and at rare times it’s a multi-hit, M74 Missile launchers. Black ones have swords with a kind of synthetic fire, they don’t get burned but you do. The temperature of the fires in their swords match to a lightning bolt’s, it’s a lot hotter than the sun itself.

I look back to where the black blur was. None. I begin to walk forward cautiously, hoping they didn’t send Noxes. I get the dreadful feeling that that black blur was a Nox.
While walking, I see myself on the mirror, my eyes aren’t glowing anymore. I pick out the steel rod. The second I do, it transforms into the sword I had a while ago. Blue lights are surging through it again. I notice that every time I touch it, my eyes go from black to a bright, glowing turquoise. Aesthetic changes, but I love it.
I play around with the sword until I turn a piece of the gears. That piece glows and a second blade pops from the original blade. Just as I thought since this sword was pretty big for a normal one. I looked like a child playing with a toy and I completely forget the assassins.
I was dead. They had sent an entire horde of Noxes. Running and jumping like a speedy flurry of cheetah. I know I’m doomed.

I figure out how to change the sword to a steel rod and I dash away from the Noxes... until I see the black blur again. My heart is literally pumping adrenaline now. I run faster than my legs can do, as I see the black blur closing in from the front and the army of Noxes from the back. No way but up they say. But I can’t do that, I have a sword anyway. I’ll just combat the black blur and escape. I see the black blur speeding towards me with blinding speed. I hold out the steel rod until I hear someone saying something.

“Don’t pull out your sword.” It says. It was from the blur itself. I, dumbfounded, drop it and just stand there mouth agape. It sounded like Richard.
The blur came in closer and closer with me doing nothing. It can’t be Richard anyway. I see four terrible, black and red lights from the blur. I have no time to react since four Noxes are already pointing eight swords at my back.
It happened fast.
The blur starts with the four Noxes behind me, and then proceeds to the entire horde. With unbelievable speed each one of them falls down to the ground. I assume one of them died drowning from the blood. After this mass massacre, the blur materializes to become a man with white hair. A black open jacket with a white undergarment. A black necktie, coupled with black pants and black boots. He wears a belt to tighten the pants. He turns to my direction and smiles coolly. I will say that he is the most handsome person I’ve ever met. He walks to me until he’s close enough to speak.

“I’m Richard Sean.” Richard says.

“Wh-what? Isn’t that impossible? I thought we met you yesterday.” I reply.

“Confused, are you not?” He speaks very calmly. “The one you met was my brother, Noel. I couldn’t
meet with you because important matters came up.”

“So, why not let’s talk right now? About the rebellion I mean.” I stammer.

“I will not talk to you openly until you have recruited five members.”

“I thought I needed seven.”

“Another small mistake from my brother. Remember this Kleyss, the end of the very world starts with one, very simple mistake.” He says.
“Now, I will only tell you a few. First of all is that we are not the only rebellions forming. We are part of the group called the Resistance. “

“So, they resist?”

“Mhm. Exactly. Now we are gathering thirteen members to become The Rebellion. We will be some kind of a guerrilla force teamed with the resistance. With great evidence captured from the past centuries, our technology was able to form cards that we gave you.”

“Oh you mean—“ I pull out the steel rod. “---this?”
He captures an angry expression, but returns to his calm composure.

“So, you’ve opened this card up. Where are the two others?”

“Here in my jacket.”

“Good, give those to your best friends and tell them not to face it upwards. Like Noel ordered you. We aren’t supposed to do this until the General Meeting. But it’s good that you get practice. Now unto my explanation... the problem with the cards is because they are only thirteen cards all representing the tarot cards. They range from Fool which is zero, to Hanged-Man which is the twelfth.”

“The Arcanas...” I whisper.

“Nice, you know it. Well I can’t talk with you more. I must go. Scout four more men or women. I
heard you scouted one of my good friends Ronald.”

“You know him?”


“Alright, so, one more question. How old are you?”

“I am eighteen years old of age, surprised?”

“No, not at all.” I say, mouth agape.

“I’ll see you in the General Meeting at Wednesday, be there with five people.” He says, and then he
jumps up. His hoverboard catches him, and then he zooms off.

I stumble to the ground, and look back, a blood pool. I walk back to my house after this. Getting very paranoid since now I know I’m an outlaw...

Haha, I put up Chapter 4 really early. Hope you guys like it.
Ehem. Guys? Any constructive criticism? Anything else? Encouragements? I am planning to finish this. I'm planning this to be a duology actually.
Aight, guys. Here comes on of the newest chapters in my story. Keep good attention while reading. I'm about to introduce one pretty important support character and he'll be driving the story for this chapter.
Chapter 5

The Other Side...

Continued in ???'s perspective...
I run through the rain. I always hated rain. I don't like Summer either. But I love everything that is icy. Maybe it reflects my personality. A cold blooded person but with an incredible amount of friends. Ironic, I know.
I run back after school in Darius. I live in Sector Ortzchaft. I keep hearing of this infamous person called Aiden Kleyss actually starting to rebel against our dictator, Zeus. Together with an unknown person that I obviously don't know. I heard he has white hair. It's pretty weird though, that Aiden kid has the same last name as me. Since my name is Lloyd Kleyss,
I run back to my apartment. I'm not that rich so I don't have any hover gear. I just climb up this cheap, rusty old ladder they hand down to climb on the floating I place I live in. A few steps up is the back door of my apartment. I run inside and quickly punch in the floor number in the elevator. 3. Yes I only live three floors up. What do you expect? I haven't even paid my rent. I quickly open the door and lay down on my bed, laptop at hand. I open it and type in my password. I rapidly try to search for any guy named Aiden Kleyss. 1934 matches. Nice. Instant popularity.
I like how the kid looks like. He's been in millions of blogs already with pictures shot in high definition even on cellphones. A kid with black hair, white jacket with dark blue stripes. Black baggy pants and silver shoes. He's seen holding this big sword. You know, blue neon light surging through the big thing.
Soon, a blackout takes over and the internet dies. I lie in my bed. I wonder hard and long why he has the same surname as mine. Maybe a brother? No, he was just 17 with me being 37. Cousin? No. Father? Of course not. Grandfather? Am I stupid? Then, it hit me... he's my son.

I pace around my small room. My son? Well, there is this girl I like very much and---
I probably have amnesia. I HAD a wife! Lucy Baves. Young, cute girl. Had a relationship. Got married. Had a son. Split up. Lucy died and I completely forgotten about my son. Aiden Lark Kleyss. I am totally mindblown.

The day starts to dim. Just in time though, the lights come back. I ignore it and start heading out. I pull up out the street and take my nightly walks. A mile later, this white haired boy comes in.

"Hello, Lloyd." He starts.

"May I help you?"

"Please, accept this. Do not open it on the front side. Understood?"

"What the?"

"A pleasure meeting you." He says, then suddenly vanishes leaving a black blur.
I have no idea what's going on at all. Summary? Weird white-haired kid comes. Gives me card. Vanishes. Nice.
I have no interest in this anyway. Now, I need to find Aiden.
Now, here's a little:
How He looks like:
Weapon of Choice:
Weapon Name:

Only users that follow this chart gets accepted. Only one gets chosen, OK?

Let it begin...
I'll try one.

Name: Roy Crystal
Age: 16
Personality: A loud mouth, lazy, and has anger issues.
How He looks like: Black hair with a fohawk, light blue eyes, black ripped jeans, a red belt with a skull keeping it in place. An orange hoodie, blue Nikes', 5' "9". A red t-shirt with the face of Zeus inside a circle with a mark across it. Meaning he hates the dictator.
Weapon of Choice: A half celestial bronze and a half steel sword(1 sword in all).
Weapon Name: Backbreaker
Bio: Abandoned by parents at the age of 5. Been living at his parents' home until 6. Zeus, the dictator, found him at the marketplace crying because he never understood money. The dictator took him in his vehicle to Darius. He's been going to that school ever since and has been living with Zeus.

I love doing CRs.
Nice haha. Very original actually. Anymore characters? Remember, this is a contest!
Thanks. I've tried a bunch of CRs and most writers accept it and they don't even release the next chapter which has my character in it... Unfortunately, this can be in the story. MAYBE.
In a gigantic amount of rushed effort, I present Chapter 5! Also, in a leap of faith, I am now accepting 2 entries for the contest! Awesome!
Chapter 6:

Still Surfing for Members...

Again continued in Aiden's perspective
I tread down my path cautiously. Maybe this is a bad idea. Thoughts spin in my head. I'm so confused. I feel heavy, and it feels as if I'm dragging my feet and arms around. Heavy fatigue. It's probably because of the sword. A theory since I'm not Omniscient.
I still walk down the pathway until I see a big group of guards forming a few blocks away. Air time. I start to walk in the opposite direction and fortunately, not one notices me. I bet those gigantic helmets are hindering their eyesight even though I hear that they use it to have some kind of auto lock system. I pull out the two hovercubes and transform them into hoverskates. I swiftly put them on and I begin to launch up unto the air. Briskly evading electricity powered safety barbs. Which sounds wrong because they are not safe at all. Once I enter the skies, I speed off to my apartment.
Once I get around the block of my apartment, guards were heavily guarding it. Even from the rooftop. Even using floating portable guard towers around my room, the basement and the attic. Smart move by Zeus since those are the two places I hide the most. Very unfortunate that every person needs to give all of their secrets. He forces them out of people by torture, torment, blackmail and death. He's a very intelligent lifeform, but he has no sign of diligence. All he wants is power. Probably all the other 12 dictators too.
For safety reasons, I turn around once again and zoom towards Jet's house.

Once I get to Jet's house, I immediately notice that no guards were there. I have the advantage. I enter the rooftop and see Jet practicing on his guitar.

"Yo, Jet! Hey!" I whisper loudly.
"Hey Aiden!" He says, putting down his guitar.
"Jet, remember the rebellion? To make the story short, this will give you the weapon to fight in the rebellion. Do not, flip it up."
"Sure I got it..." He says confused already.
"Bye." I say and quickly fly off to Cole's house.

I probably get there in the blink of an eye. No guards either. Great. I land down and knock on the door.
Cole immediately responds and opens the door. I give him the card and explain shortly. He says thanks and closes the door. I fly off.
I head for Darius. Hoping I can get at least one person before I end the day. I'm thinking of getting a tough guy. There are a lot. But I have no idea why I picked the guy I just thought of.
I catch him trying to walk out of the gate. He's sporting his usual appearance which I actually like. His black hair that's styled like a fohawk, light blue eyes, black ripped jeans and a red belt with a skull keeping it in place. Nice touch if I say so myself. He also has an orange hoodie, blue Nikes. He has a nice height of 5 feet and 9 inches; a few inches taller than me. Finally, he wears a red t-shirt with the face of Zeus inside a circle with a mark across it. Signaling that he apparently hates Zeus. I approach him slightly. Once he sees me in his periphery, he makes a somewhat angered expression. Anger issues he has. I laugh lightly. He gives an even angered expression.
"What are you laughing at?!?!" He shouts. The entire school looks at him, then looks to what he's looking at. Me.
The whole school screams. Even the boys and especially Jordan. Screaming like a little girl. That rules out my inviting of him. Giant mobs of students, teacher, and even the principal, messily rush towards the main gate and out. Except him. The guy who hates Zeus. Roy Crystal.
He's standing there. Scared. Maybe thinking that I'll kill him. But no, I won't kill him.
"At ease, Roy." I say to calm him down.
"Please don't kill me with that weapon." He says.
"You mean this?" I say and I pull out my steel rod. It transforms into the big, one-edged sword.
"No..." He says, holding out his arms.
"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." I say just before silence fills our the whole school. The school was empty. The giant main building in front and at the back is a big garden. We're near the front gate.
I start to explain to him almost everything and he actually picks up what I'm saying even though I'm speaking really fast.
"Well, Nice! I hate Zeus but I like you. Your like polar opposites." he says laughing and shaking my hand. "So, when does the general meeting start?" He asks.
"I'll just contact you via cellphone." I say and we exchange numbers. I forgot about giving my contacts to Ronald.
"Do you know where Sir Ronald is?"
"Ronald Graeton? Cool Guy huh?" He says. I don't need it. I need to find him. For the very lucky me, he pops out of the schools main lobby door.
"Where did everyone go?" He scratches his head. I laugh and go to him. We exchange numbers .
"Nice. Now I have to go, guards will come here so I need to go now!" I tell them. We say our goodbyes quickly and I fly far enough to escape the guards until my hovergear run out of energy. I need to charge them with a magna battery again. I float down after a few more blocks and begin to charge. It's at 2%.
A relaxed, laid-back guy walks by. He starts to talk to me. I ignore him at first, but I guess there was no use. The charging will take a long time anyway.
"Where do you go to school?" he asks.
"Darius, but let's get to formalities first. I'm Aiden Kleyss, you are?" I respond.
"Oh you! Yeah I know you."
"But do I know you?"
"Right. I am..." He pauses. "Lloyd."
"Hey man, I gave you my last name. What's yours?"
"You already know it. Kleyss."
Nice, huh? There's still one epic discovery you haven't read yet! So stay tuned for more chapters! Your welcome PhantomOverlord. Since your one of the only people so far to submit a form. I am giving a second chance for others, since I don't like my design of Jordan bay. So for now, see ya!
That was a nice chapter! I liked the details of everything and my character is in there. Finally. Thanks to whoever wins the next character into the story!

EDIT: Wasn't that chapter 6?
Was it? Haha, oh yeah. Fix'd.
Come on guys! Send in those characters. My creativity is running low since I need to make 29 characters. Maybe even more as the story progresses.
Name: Keenan Diosus Age:14 Personality: Curious, very distinctive, happy-go-lucky How he looks: He always has a golden ring with the initials: AD. He wears his Adidas tracksuits zipped all the way up. His new metallic coloured nike trainers is what he wears mostly. He has cane-rows going in a zig-zag pattern, he's also got hazel brown eyes WeaponOf Choice: Twin Curved Daggers 68 CM. [Celestial Bronze= Blade] WN: Survivor. Bio: Keenan was adopted
Bio: Keenan was adopted at the age of 10 were mercilessly killed by: Zeus but at the time he neve knew until his foster mom decided to tell him. It was a very emotional time for him which awoken a hate for Zeus. He joined a gang called: Kaniru which main goal was to get payback on Zeus. He then left the gang for something new. Height: 5`7 / I edited a little hope im in it\
Name:N01.Age:12.Personality:Happy-go-Lucky.How he looks:Wears a brown shirt with a sun on it.He has brown hair and deep blue eyes.He wears black shorts and a brown cloak.Weapon of Choice:Twin one-edged swords.Weapon Name:Grand Blades.Bio:N01 was one of the hundred orphans that were used as guinea pigs in an experemintal plant.During an accident at the plant he along with two other orphans escaped.Ever since he's been wandering around the world.
Let me try this contest of yours XD

Name: Axel Ride
Age: 15
Personality: Saddened over his Family's death and a rebellious one.
How He looks like: Has pointed hair (like the one in my sig, except its dark blue) and has deep blue eyes. Wears a cyan jacket, and underneath it is a plain white shirt. He wears brown Jeans, and black rubber shoes. He also sports a Blue hand band, and around his neck lays a necklace with two swords as it's design.
Weapon of Choice: his weapons are two blades attached to both of his arms. The blade's size is 1 foot. it retracts when not needed, hiding the weapon to other civilians (somewhat like a hidden blade, but on top of the arm, not under it).
Weapon Name: Nexus Blades
Bio: After the death of his family, Axel has been wondering around the world learning new techniques, hoping to avenge his parents and his little brother, whom he loved. He trust no one, and goes solo. he never socialize, unless needed. He never knew who killed his family, but he is about to find out... soon...

yeah, so that that's my entry XD
Name: Kyrina Lewis Brooks

Age: 15 (February 3)

Personality: Brave, determined and honest but sarcastic, conceited and pessimistic. She's very quiet during the morning and it's when her bad traits are most clear because she's part werewolf. During the night, she is very positive and active. She still can be very sarcastic and pessimistic during the night though.

How she/he looks like: She has brown hair, normally tied in a messy bun, silver eyes that are normally bored, freckly skin, short nose and puckered lips. She's 4"9 and weights 120. She is not so fat but not so thin. Normally in a blue-green shirt that has an outline of a busy city with cars and all paired with a hooded black blazer with dragons for decals. She wears baggy Flannel jeans and white Converse low-cuts that has blue stripes.

Weapon of Choice: Swing-out Cylinder Revolver that uses electric-filled bullets as ammo. The electric energy in the bullets are made from a special stone called Rylin that were discovered under the Alcatraz Military Prison after Zeus ordered the island to be blown up to build another floating jail.

Weapon Name: Virtus Subterra (You should just call it Virtus) (Virtus means strength and Subterra means underground because the "virtus" came from underground.)

Bio: Was born in California but moved to New York. Her mom is British but was born in America and her dad is American; their names are Charlotte Kelly and Adam Colton. She has a brother named Harley Dean. Her mom and brother was killed because they were accused of an early rebellion in the city. Her dad is kept in a high-class prison cell in the new jail Zeus made in the Alcatraz Island because he is fearing that because of he is a werewolf, he might be able to lead a rebellion. Kyrina lives with her grandfather and grandmother and is surprisingly rich. (Lives in a mansion.) Her grandfather's name is Klaus Vincent Foster and her grandmother's is Janice Camille Martin/Foster. (As you can easily point out, is her mother's father and mother.) The reason why she lives with her mother's side is because the father's side think that she is not worthy to be called a Brook much though they like her mother. They consider Kyrina the reason why her father is trapped. She's the least popular in school but has a few friends to keep her company. She respects all her friends and treats them like sisters mainly because she lacks a lot of people in her broken family. She learned how to speak French from her father at the age of 10. She has a part-time job of being a plumber and has a dream of being a scientist. Her father was captured several months after he taught her while her mother and brother died when she was 7. She dreams of using technology to revive her mother and brother and rid the dictators and free her dad and the city.

If I win this, you can PM me for all the other details.
Holy Rebellion! I might lose. Well my character is already in the story. Good luck!
Yes, it's that time again. A new chapter is up! This finally has some action in it. Also, with the character contest. I have decided to pick two since I completely forgot about one of my characters. So the winners are...
Chapter 7

First Time, Sword Fight

I sit there, looking at him. Lloyd, Lloyd Kleyss? Impossible. No, I do not have a brother.
“Aiden? Your staring at me for a long time now.” Lloyd says. He smiles. He does look a lot like me. Very handsome. So that’s why he wasn’t afraid of me when he met me. Not like the others.
“Who are you?”
“Lloyd Kleyss. Your father.” He says. I don’t believe him at first, but then I start to believe as we start talking to each other. He sounds like me. He looks like me. I inherited his personality and his love of icy things.
“Hey, Lloyd.” I say, interrupting his lecture of the sea. First of all, we don’t worry much about the sea actually, since all of us are floating. Everything below us is just a vast amount of water. Second, I have no damn idea how we got to discussing the sea. “Can I call you dad?” I ask.
“Nah, won’t be cool. Just call me Lloyd.” He replies. He’s just as cool as Ronald if you ask me. Maybe even cooler. Speaking of Ronald, maybe I could invite him! He is my dad. Maybe we could spend some more quality time together if I enjoy him. He also has a nice build which could be a big asset to us. I couldn’t listen to him because of me thinking too much until I see something glinting in the corner of my eye. A card.
“Hey Lloyd! What’s that?” I ask, interrupting his lecturing of photosynthesis. I wonder why we keep changing subject.
“What? Oh, you mean this?” He says. He starts pulling the card. I stop his arm just as he is pulling the card from his pocket. I remind him not to flip it up.
“Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me.” He says.
Something starts to beep loudly from my back. It’s the charger. It is already full. I hurry to pull the charger and I start to put on the skates.
“Aw, leaving already?” He says.
“Not really, I am going to start up another conversation.” I say as I finish putting on the skates and stand up, “It’s about... a rebellion.” I start. I continue to explain him the important things.
“But then, since you already have a card. It means you’ve met Richard before.” I finish
“Richard? White haired, handsome kid?” He says.
“Yes, him. Now, are you in or not?” I ask.
“Of course. I already have the card so that means I’m supposed to join, right?” He says. I nod.
“Now I have to go. Do not flip open that card. Got it?” He says. He nods this time, smiling. I say goodbye before

I rocket off to meet a very nice friend of mine. He’s younger than me and he’s got a lot of charisma. Stephen Cyrus.
His house is very run down and he is currently living alone. Poor kid; he’s only 15 and he’s alone already. His house is near to Zeus’ palace. We met just weeks ago and me and my other best friends already like him. He’s a nice kid. With a pure heart but he has nothing to do in life since he’s alone. He can go to school because Jet’s father pays for him. Nope, there are no scholarships here. I see him outside drawing which is one of his favourite hobbies. Together, we make a great team since I write and he draws almost everything that’s in my story. I greet him with his name and he waves, laughing. He is also very cheerful and will always boost your morale. He’s currently wearing his signature outfits, a white vest over a red t-shirt and some jeans. He also wears a pair of vans sneakers. He has blonde, spiky hair which are not going upwards, and dark brown eyes. I only need one thing from him though, and that’s approval. I land down close to him, we greet each other, do stuff we usually do and I introduce him to the rebellion. First, he couldn’t accept it because he was very scared. But as I progress, he begins to like it and eventually joins. I give him some details to our captain, Richard Sean.
“How do I contact with him?” He asks.
“He’ll contact you, so no need to worry.” I say.
“Alright, thanks!” He says. Apparently being grateful because of the rebellion we staged. He tells me that he has to go and we part ways.
I begin to rush to Jet’s place since I need a place to crash. By tomorrow morning, if they still don’t spot me, they will send assassins. Jet’s house may also be a good place to hide.
I reach Jet’s house and I open up the window. “Hey, Jet, I need a place to crash. Can I stay here?” I ask. He nods and laughs. I smile too and I enter his room. His room takes up his family’s whole roof. DVDs were scattered everywhere and there is a large wardrobe full of clothes. He also likes Tennis because it consists of floating platforms and you need quick reflexes. Which is one Jet’s great points. A large TV is also poised in front of his bed. Jet was playing with his touch-screen computer a while ago. A kind of computer that looks like a bunch of glass which is actually monitor’s and keyboards. They are also, of course, floating. Now he is watching TV. The TV also looks like one large plane of glass which is also floating, apparently. I press a button on the side of Jet’s bed and 4 poles pop up and start to form a new bed. I lie down, feeling unusually sleepy at 8:00. The sound from the TV was loud and annoying, but I was still able to slowly drift off to sleep.

“We know he’s there.” I hear a low, heavy voice near the door. I’m only half awake so I squint to see what the trouble is. I see Jet arguing with a guard. A guard, there were two of them actually. They’ve found me, no, Zeus found me; and I need to get out of here fast. I start to grab my things and my jacket. I look over Jet and he looks at me. He signals me to go and I motion with my lips, “I’m sorry.” I start up my hoverskates and fly off to the skies.
I don my Jacket and think everything’s fine until I get the sense that I have completely no idea where I’m going. They know where I’m heading off too. I stop thinking as I feel a great pain on my ankle. My left leg is laminating some sort of bluish aura. It continues to sting. The pain gets worse until I realize what’s happening. I’ve been shot. I reach for the glowing, pulse arrow as it is called and pull it out. I cover my right hand over my mouth and see blood. That’s how painful it was. The pain “pulses” through your whole body, spreading out the pain. Pull it out, the pain seemingly explodes from your body. This is the first time I felt one. I start lose balance and I was limping through the air, with my left leg failing me because of the pain. A bunch of Luces already found me and are shooting at me rapidly. I start to fly low so I won’t get hit by the range of the arrows. Another dumb mistake of mine because the second I look back, a battalion of Noxes are chasing me. I can see their red eyes glowing and filled with rage. They kill brutally and relentlessly. They don’t talk since their tongues are cut out. I begin to make a detour to Darius. I hear that school is postponed because of me. I’m also guessing guards are there too. Now, no place is safe and I don’t know where to go. I begin to go to his house, assassins still hot on my trail, and check him out. The lights are closed which is a signal that people are not there. Now I truly don’t have a place to go... until I receive a call from Richard.
“Kleyss. Come to Central Park now. You don’t need to scout anymore.”
“What? I thought I needed one more!”
“No, you don’t need to, I’ve found 1 already. I hear that you’re in a high speed chase with assassins. Now, you can use your sword. Good Luck.” He says, then he hangs up.
My sword? I should. It’s my only chance of survival and I’m desperately trying to survive. I pull out the steel rod and it transforms into the big, one edged sword. I begin to stop my detour since it’s useless, and I start boost into the skies. I see that I’m apparently making wind streams when I go this fast. Wind streams make the people behind you speed up, so I stop and look around, only to see an army of Blacks and Whites. I hold out my sword confidently. I have no sword experience whatsoever, so I just copy the ones I see in video games.
I start the battle against the army with a loud battle cry, and I blindly rush towards the nearest one. I literally decapitate him to pieces. This provokes the others apparently and they attack me all on the same time. I knew this was a bad idea. White sharks aiming for me and black piranhas are swarming over me. Still with a weak left leg, I have less than adequate time to pedal back and evade. I see a flame blaze through my left arm. Thankfully the sword didn’t hit, but the fire did. It’s just a small flame, so I quickly brush it off. I proceed to look at the millions again and see that they’re charging at me again. I have no idea how to handle this. Soon enough, I get badly injured by a myriad of swords slashing at me. Not good. The next thing I hear is a loud impact. I didn’t know that I could still hear it since what hit me was a missile. It completely knocks everything out of me, everything burning inside. I don’t want to die yet.
For some reason, I think my sword heard my wish because I see a white shroud covering me, and then I feel nothing. Nothing at all. No bruises, no burns, not one scratch even on my clothing!
It can heal? I think. I look at the sword and it seems like the gears are working. The sword is literally breaking apart, it looked like some kind of transforming robot. I see the inside of the sword after all the pieces are broken apart. In a glowing, light blue colour. It seemed like it’s made off unstable energy and it’s signalling me to use it since I direly need it. Sensing that I can wipe off these guys in just matter of seconds with this new-found power, I do use it. I begin to slash at the air, the sword is sending out energy waves coming from the slashes I make. Killing one-tenth of them each time I do. Soon enough, they all die and you can see blood splattered from the dead bodies. I see the parts of the sword forming around the energy again, and then transforming back into a steel rod. No time to waste, I proceed to Central Park.
Blood and BBP!
Guys, you need to make your Characters, unique. Like these two! Especially BBP's. Your characters will be in the next chapter so stay tuned!
Chap is real great keep up the good work bro So maybe my char would be in the next one?
Sorry Mephiles, it's a contest. So yeah I only accepted two of them. So yeah, sorry.
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