World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Nov. 14, 2018  9:09 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]@[JesseObre] @[Hato] @[Technik] @[Thokami] @[Mitsu] @[cadney] @[Naru Blader] @[✱] @[Beyonomics] @[1234beyblade] @[pyrus10000] @[Tempest546] @[EX139] @[BAWB18] @[EvanTO] @[ArmaanTO] @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA] @[Minion] @[Zay] @[IsaiahW] @[Hell Diablo] @[Unipegasus] @[vallabh gondkar] @[DRose] @[TheRipper27] @[Neceal] @[Rwbbyish] @[OldSchool™] @[ali12345456] @[jameschaos] @[LordSigma] @[RishiBeyblade] @[Zayan] @[Jack1] @[Keïvin] @[Jackson77] @[Hunter08] @[XavierWBO] @[Gyro] @[RubenWBO] @[Honcho] @[Xcalius rules] @[BeybladeStefan] @[MatthewWBO] @[Zenon] @[RandyWBO] @[RaptorsFan] @[Jorel5] @[TominesK] @[Pegq] @[HassanWBO] @[Shay] @[Supreme Beesly] @[Dewyou] @[FlatTips] @[DizWBO] @[Ragerydon] @[Mr.Paradox] @[SamIAm] @[yoh001] @[zatte] @[byonicboy] @[Tsunagu] @[kerpao] @[Newtype] @[Flux] @[Tahoor] @[GODBLADER] @[CarterWBO] @[WolfsBey] @[WolfsBey] @[Milton] @[A. Square] @[Pro Mango] @[Zooyork] @[Light Feather] @[beybladeJOEL] @[Genesis valt] @[bladekid] @[nish1199] @[doyouknowdawae] @[NiallI] @[Mati] @[Adriel Kayizzi] @[JackB2012] @[TyB2010] @[Haddy] @[LJ Blakemore] @[AllIdoiswin] @[Supreme Striker] @[Phoenix_Ransom] @[Arsham] @[Leo Mrsic] @[Hockey100] @[Ebola blader] @[RangerDanger] @[Adrian 25] @[Toby Pliamm] @[Jayshawn Dixon] @[Tantan11] @[ArcangelGabriel] @[blademaster2018] @[GoNate11] @[XcaliSeth] @[kennethbeyblade] @[GoShoot!] @[AlphabetSoup] @[Liamvaltryek] @[VXW] @[Valley] @[TheBrodster] @[abidjkhan7] @[acpmw] @[Justin TC] @[Fast Kid] @[bladehateslayer] @[Harry Honcho] @[phoenix613] @[master neylan] @[Cam77] @[Toxic Cheeto] @[Doggydoge11] @[ntr.14] @[jamie] @[MegaDinoXX] @[Phil] @[Flanks] @[HopieNinja] @[Jayshawn Dixon] @[Lisa-X] @[LoganAlan] @[Louie1] @[Nathankyle] @[Qooyah] @[Rowdawg] @[Coco2012] @[King2008] @[Mac maker] @[MaxPliamm] @[Navarro] @[RETROMETRO] @[Shukerni] @[Toby Pliamm] @[abidjkhan7] @[JamesTa] @[MitchGS] @[MRonak] @[RubenMX] @[Habibhaque] @[BladerBj] @[guy381] @[JJ M-P] @[SHHaque] @[Alek] @[Noahg] @[Jason500] @[Lil Ripper] @[Zay-Bey] @[B34ST] @[Gabeg] @[Dark996] @[Darknesses] @[Master O] @[King Abbas] @[PapaJ] @[Julian Bleyder] @[Bladerbill] @[MDK Shady] @[jaykazebeys] @[FireFist7] @[Rish] @[Zyon] @[Colin loewen] @[Joshuasmit] @[Jezreel Kyle] @[Yousef] @[Shu kurenai9] @[Domthegod] @[IsaacKyprio] @[Tylerkao XD] @[TripleTDForce] @[volatile16] @[Aydin5] @[Zain5000] @[Super Adam] @[Ryanik] @[Yellow Eye] @[Rainbow Kitty] @[Linden] @[Carcashmoneysun] @[Ignaciothegreat] @[PaoloWarrior] @[Kylopig] @[Liljuicebox123] @[MarcoWarrior] @[Asher2010] @[Mau2010] @[SuperBeyFan]

Hello everyone! Figured we should start using this thread more. Just a quick update: we are searching for an indoor venue to use for December. At this point we are thinking that a community centre would be our best bet, but if anyone has any ideas for indoor venues, please feel free to post them.

However, looking forward even further, we have Anime Shogatsu coming up on January 19th! We will be hosting an event there again, as we have for the past few years. The event page for that should be up soon, but I just had a few updates regarding the organization of the event:

1. Use of Pylons/Barriers
I've been told that the "JCCC will insist that the pylons are as clean as they can be, with no dirt which can stain the floor" and that if we can guarantee that they can see if we are allowed to bring them in to use for the event. However, they also said that the JCCC may have "stantions (rope barriers)", so that might be the better option ... we'll see.

2. Securing a Larger Space
I had mentioned to them that given the growth of our community since last year, more space would be appreciated. They said that this is possible, but only if we can guarantee more than 40 participants. So, I'd like to get the tournament page posted ASAP so that we can start building that attendance list.

3. Loudspeaker/Mic
They also will have a loudspeaker/mic we can use, which is great!
I have an idea for an indoor venue at East York Community Centre
Is there going to be a "Bladesgiving" event next weekend?
How much is the admission going to be

Would you be selling drain fafnir
(Nov. 18, 2018  3:05 PM)DarkBlader420 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there going to be a "Bladesgiving" event next weekend?

We don't have any events planned for November. Most likely we'll have one in December, and then Anime Shogatsu in January.

(Nov. 18, 2018  7:10 PM)abidjkhan7 Wrote: [ -> ]How much is the admission going to be

Would you be selling drain fafnir

$15. Learn more on their website:

I won't be!
How much is the admission for the December one
(Nov. 19, 2018  5:54 AM)abidjkhan7 Wrote: [ -> ]How much is the admission for the December one

$6 One-Time Fee, or $20 CDN for a Blader Passport (which can also be purchased online) which grants you entry to all of our tournaments (except convention-based events) for a year.
I'll very likely be at the December event!
Will you be needing some sadiums for the December event? I have , a metal fusion vortex sadium, a star storm battle set (by hasbro) ,a hasbro Beyblade burst rivals set, a hasbro chaos core stadium, and a Takara Tommy standard tipe stadium. Could you me know if those are any use for you?
If you are looking for an indoor venue you could check out East York Town centre
(Nov. 25, 2018  9:32 PM)MDK Shady Wrote: [ -> ]If you are looking for an indoor venue you could check out East York Town centre
Thats where i live

Where is the next tournament
You live in Thorncliffe too, that lit
(Nov. 25, 2018  10:33 PM)MDK Shady Wrote: [ -> ]You live in Thorncliffe too, that lit
Where do you live in thorncliffe
Hi everyone, quick update: I've been looking at this venue recently and will be e-mailing them soon to inquire about a space for December.

(Nov. 25, 2018  1:35 PM)henwooja1 Wrote: [ -> ]Will you be needing some sadiums for the December event? I have , a metal fusion vortex sadium, a star storm battle set (by hasbro) ,a hasbro Beyblade burst rivals set, a hasbro chaos core stadium, and a Takara Tommy standard tipe stadium. Could you me know if those are any use for you?

More stadiums are always welcome! Please do bring them if you can.
If it works out great, but the East York Town centre is a great option when it come to space
The latest Toronto tournament is now posted! Join! Tell your friends!

I've been really busy lately, but I will be trying to contact this venue soon for our next event outside of Anime Shogatsu. It's just west of High Park. Some of the other community centres I was looking at had multipurpose rooms, but not in the size we need (Category B).
Where is the December one going to be
(Nov. 28, 2018  4:15 AM)abidjkhan7 Wrote: [ -> ]Where is the December one going to be

It is not decided yet. As I mentioned above I am looking into contacting a venue just west of High Park. The link to it is above, but nothing is confirmed yet. I will post here when it is!
I just submitted an application to host an event at for next April. Hopefully we get approved!
Should i ask TNO if we can host a tournement in the East York Town Centre
(Dec. 23, 2018  10:15 PM)MDK Shady Wrote: [ -> ]Should i ask TNO if we can host a tournement in the East York Town Centre
Some parts of the mall are still closed

Can we have a tournament in February?
I probably will come.

Please hold it in Frank McKechnie Community center.
Are we planning to have a burst classic or burst standard tournament in April?
(Mar. 08, 2020  2:04 PM)henwooja1 Wrote: [ -> ]Are we planning to have a burst classic or burst standard tournament in April?

Probably Burst Format.
Due to COVID-19, will the Toronto area be postponing any future tournaments before AN2020 or AN2020 itself?
(Mar. 14, 2020  1:03 AM)henwooja1 Wrote: [ -> ]Due to COVID-19, will the Toronto area be postponing any future tournaments before AN2020 or AN2020 itself?
Yes, I would also like to know this. I don't want to spend $60 bucks on a ticket and the hotel money if I find out it gets cancelled.
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