World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Austin, Texas, USA] The Cold War 12.30.11
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(Dec. 28, 2011  6:40 AM)reggie yi Wrote: [ -> ]Since if I do go to this tournament, this will be my first tournament, where in the park is it, and can you use TT light launchers or only hasbro launchers
I think you can use any type of launcher that iz not modified or changed in any way except for stickers, stickers are awesome JK (i hate stickers)
(Dec. 28, 2011  6:40 AM)reggie yi Wrote: [ -> ]Since if I do go to this tournament, this will be my first tournament, where in the park is it, and can you use TT light launchers or only hasbro launchers
Hello! Glad you may be able to participate in your first tournament! And yse, you can use any launcher as long as it was licensed/made by Hasbro, Sonokong, or Takara Tomy. I'm sorry if I didn't mention it in the OP, but we'll be meeting accross from the train station and battling near there.
If you can use TT or SK launchers then I take it you can use parts from those beys too
Hey guys, the real TheFalling is here. Umm, my freind told me that there was an Austin Tournament so I can join its possible. Justustify, your brother said "I don't want an account put me on the Confirmed." Just put 1Keatonc he is making an account currently.
IIRC, you have to be a WBO member to participate in a Official WBO Tournament...
Well, He tryed but couldn't so he will just watch.
Hey also are we allowed to switch beys during the tournament?

Dude, Justustify's friends=TheFalling but my brother failed to make an account.

Can we switch bets and use TT bets
Can we switch beys and use TT beys
Justustify: Sorry about your bro. If he wants to, though, I know 1 or 2 people who have internet on their phones and we can make an account for him, if he wants.

ALL: The rule is... YOU CAN SWITCH BEYS DURING THE TOURNAMENT BUT NOT WITHIN A BEYBETTLE!!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THE RULEBOOK! Every single question asked was answered through the rulebook! Here's a link:

reggie yi: Just read the rulebook in the link above and the question about TT Beys will be answered...
Hey guys update on Justustify: He won't be able to use his computer because its to slow but could you make my little brother an account I have no idea if this is allowed. I will do the talking for Justustify but my bro wants an account just for the tournament like a temporary. The only thing is that my warning rate is 90% because I've done some really dumb things here. So I try to read not post.
(Dec. 29, 2011  2:58 AM)TheFalling Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys update on Justustify: He won't be able to use his computer because its to slow but could you make my little brother an account I have no idea if this is allowed. I will do the talking for Justustify but my bro wants an account just for the tournament like a temporary. The only thing is that my warning rate is 90% because I've done some really dumb things here. So I try to read not post.
Do you mean make an account for Justustify, or his brother, or your brother? So are both your brother AND Justustify's brother participating? And they can both make an account AT THE TOURNEY! No rush! If you are in a hurry, I'll ask Kai-V about making an account for someone else.
Justustify has been suspended for seven days. He is lying if he says that it is just because his computer is too slow.

So TheFalling, it really is you then, and not a "friend" who got that account from you with such a high warning level to begin with, as you were telling earlier ?

Damn liars, you are so stupid.
Whoa. Slow down. Is TheFalling lying? Is he the real dude or Justustify's dro using his account? And what about Justustify? What's up with him? I'm kinda confused about who's real, who's faking, etc. Can you tell be who to delete from my list of attendees?
TheFalling has apparently been lying about who he was in the last few days. As you can see on the first page, he said that he was a friend of whoever had created that account ("TheFalling") and that he was given that account but with the ninety-percent warning level as a negative bonus.
Now, TheFalling clearly just said that it was his own actions that caused the ninety-percent warning level, so it was obviously him all along. Personally, I would not allow him at your tournament, because he is essentially banned at this point.

As for Justustify, he has been another blatant liar through private messages, and frankly Justustify and TheFalling might as well be the same person.
So, with your authority, could I officially ban them from this tournament, or should the commitee decide on that? I that was what I was suspecting, since Justustify left, and TheFalling is now the one doing all the work! I wonder what their intentions were, though. What were they planning, or should I say, he?
Hey dude sorry but i cant come anymore but hope the tournament goes well
Itz because some really ergent stuff came up once again SORRY Crying

TJ+Leone, if you aren't coming, what about your cousins?
You banned my freind Justustify. He does lie a lot really. But he does take the consequences from what I have seen. But just think about it.
I'm sorry, but Kai-V and I have decided that you, TheFalling, are not allowed to come to the tournament. And the same for Justustify. If you don't believe me, contact Kai-V herself. You guys have been pulling some kind of prank lately, and Kai-V believes you guys are lying. TheFalling, it was you all along, wasn't it? It wasn't Justustify's brother. And then again, I think that you and Justustify are the same person. Justustify doesn't have a slow computer. If he did, he would come over and use yours. Amm I right?
ANNOUNCEMENT! ANNOUNCEMENT! : The third prize will probably not get here on time. If you end up choosing it, please tell me your name and address, and I'll ship it to you, and the shipping's on me!
Justustify and TheFalling:
Okay. You guys are allowed to go. But at the tourney, I'll need some info on what you guys were up to. I don't know how Kai-V concluded that you guys were lying, but at the tourney, I'll need some quesions answered.
JAM20100511, you cannot 'bump' any topic outside of the Bey Marketplace forum, and even there, it can only be at most every forty-eight hours.

Also, just trust me : Justustify and TheFalling both lied heavily, and in the former's case it is not necessarily your business, so there are no relevant questions you could ask them/him ...
Oh, ok. I searched through the WBO to see if there were any rules about "bumping" but there were no results.

nope sorry if i cant go they mostly-likely cant either mostly because im there ride but yea i cant come
Hey. Everything's okay, dude. No pressure. Hope your "urgent stuff" turns out good! Maybe you can come next time, then!
Hey, guys! Hope everyone had a blast at the tourney! Here's a list of people who actually showed up:
- JAM20100511
- Beyblader51
- beymaster78
- clix98
- clawna365
- Angeloman217
- coreybeymaster
- tylertk
- beymasternwb
- ldragorush48
- ebdrummer
- reggie yi
- Justustify
- theguyaboveyou
- manpro10 (He might switch to 1Keatonc, since "manpro10" seems to be missing from the Member List. 1Keatonc was the origianal account for him anyway.
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