World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: NPR records Beyblade story, showcases Sliding Shoot Lesson!
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(Dec. 14, 2011  10:01 AM)ashton pinto Wrote: [ -> ]BEY-BLADE IS TRULY PERFECTLY SPECIAL.............!

Definitely. I think anyone that gives beyblade a chance will see that it isn't like what the haters think.
Congrats Kai-V the story is awesome! Soon beyblade will be the most poplur in the world! Go Beyblade!
That Guy used bigbang
We always knew Hasbro workers are morons when it comes to beyblade
This is truly awesome. It's cool to see the WBO gain so much publicity! After all, we are one of the top 30 sites to appear, from when I last checked, along with the BeyChannel videos.
This can make beyblade even bigger then it already is! Our beyblades really appreciate it!
he may have had a diferent tip/track combo thing in it from what i have done and seen FGrin is balance to attack
(Dec. 13, 2011  11:56 PM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]The marketing division VP is not going to be one of the playtesters anyway...

Sorry, but as someone who works in marketing at a toy company, he absolutely should know what he is talking about if he is going to talk about it. He doesn't need to be an "Advanced Blader" but this is one of the most basic ideas of the game.
I must say, this is quite impressive.

(Dec. 13, 2011  6:35 AM)Arupaeo Wrote: [ -> ]NPR stands for National Public Radio. It produces news and cultural programming across a network of almost 1000 independent radio stations covering most "major" markets here in the US, and is similar to the CBC in Canada (NPR also carries Fresh Air), and the BBC in the UK (NPR also carries the BBC world service).

WAMU is the local affiliate here in the Washington DC metro area, and broadcasts on 88.5 FM.

Correct. National Public Radio is far and away the most prestigious and respected broadcast news voice in the United States. Congratulations on the story!

Amazing news.

That being said, these types of articles are supposed to appeal to parents who actually listen to the radio, or to children who just want to play with a new toy. They really couldn't care less if the top jumped or not, so pointing out technical flaws in the writing doesn't matter all that much.

And what's all this stereotypical garbage about "For boys."

With regards to Garcia winning with a BBP, I believe 4D isn't out in the US yet so why is it they even allowed her to play with imported toys? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems like the mentality they would use in Hasbro tournaments.
sigh i dont know if their insulting beyblade, in a way it hurts. PS the co marketer guy go attack types and stamina types mixed up and didnt even include defense and balance typesAngry
Wow!We had just reborn.I know it was funny the owner of hasbro saying sharp tip = Attack , and Flat tip = Stamina.I have to mention that because it is halarious.
Wow, this can really teach bladers
This is really cool! some strange things though, other than the use of Big Bang Pegasis.

Is that picture of the beyblades from FAO Schwarz recent? i mean, those beyblades are some of the 1st! Why use an old pic foir the new series, and not even specify it?


Congratz kai-V and Kei =D
(Dec. 13, 2011  5:43 AM)TanithElite Wrote: [ -> ]Wow this is cool maybe beyblade will be the greatest attraction for the year

it is great... but at the same time more n00bs will come in trying to test us so... oh yeah more training 4 us veterans =D
Who are you calling Veteran,dude?You are not a Beyblade Veteran,seriously.It seems that WBO is getting more popular to the public!First newspaper(that French? WBO tournament Posted in the newspaper,then Magazine,then even Radio Station.Oh yes,Hasbro are genius who don't test Beyblade.Now I know why there's a -V in Kai-V I know her real name,but I don't get that -V
(Dec. 17, 2011  4:36 AM)Whatzzer Wrote: [ -> ]Who are you calling Veteran,dude?You are not a Beyblade Veteran,seriously.It seems that WBO is getting more popular to the public!First newspaper(that French? WBO tournament Posted in the newspaper,then Magazine,then even Radio Station.Oh yes,Hasbro are genius who don't test Beyblade.Now I know why there's a -V in Kai-V I know her real name,but I don't get that -V

Maybe he was part of the plastic gen? Maybe he came into MFB a year ago? It doesn't matter anyways and lose the attitude already . I'm happy for us and the WBO. We learn each day and help each other on a hobby we all like.
so why in the picture is thyre plastics and are they really selling them in the shop they mentioned... im confusd Uncertain
Great news!Congratz WBO!!!
Absolutely amazing! to think that a forum created for the love of spinning tops has progressed so far :')
(Dec. 17, 2011  4:30 AM)Destroy Fang Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 13, 2011  5:43 AM)TanithElite Wrote: [ -> ]Wow this is cool maybe beyblade will be the greatest attraction for the year

it is great... but at the same time more n00bs will come in trying to test us so... oh yeah more training 4 us veterans =D

I agree, the n00bs act so tough, but if I still had my Dranzer Engine gear combo, even the strongest Metal Masters combo can't beat me. Veterans know best!

As a sidebar note: Team Shadow Blaze is looking for more members, so if you want in, come to the tournament in Jackson Mississippi. TheHiddenBlader is getting the WBO cards soon, so hopefully I can get a time and date for those interested, PM me and I will let Devin know that you would like to participate. Thank you for your time.
Why did he use Big Bang Pegasis? I found a video of the finals and it said Twisted Bull vs Twisted Tempo. It said 4d beys were illegal. But then again, the tourneys here in the Philippines are getting challenging. Only S2 beys for the grand tournament.
I never knew Kai-V's real name (till now)... Have I been living under a rock, or no?

This is great news, is it not, the WBO being on the NPR (National Public Radio)?
I would say its pretty good, but there are people who criticize beyblades for no reason
(Dec. 19, 2011  7:19 PM)UltimateDranzer Wrote: [ -> ]I would say its pretty good, but there are people who criticize beyblades for no reason

Yes it's good, and true. But I hate people who criticize beyblades for no reason at all.
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