World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: NPR records Beyblade story, showcases Sliding Shoot Lesson!
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Congrats!!! Brad Day and this whole moth is turning out to be good for the WBO...
He (Zakiah) used Basalt Horogium uncustomized and won (I should know since I called and texted him during the championships. And I saw the final battle). Btw, he has an account on here, it's Zakiah10 I believe. He usually uses BBP with friends in battle.
Wow, this is really cool. WBO will get more popular, (Probably) and kids get to know how to use attack types! Congrats Kei and Kai-V!
"Some tops, if they have a very flat bottom, will launch into the arena, not move very much at all, but kind of spin forever," says DePriest. "Those are called stamina tops. Some tops, if you have a little narrow pencil point at the tip, will launch into the arena and jump all over the place. And those are called attack tops."

umm what!?!?!?! de preist has got then a bit mixed up me thinks
Wow Great!!!!!
Congratulations Kai-V and Kei! Grin Grin
I actually happened to hear this love. When I looked on their website, they had the title of the story and a few short sentences about it. One of the sentences, I didn't like. It said "Hasbro added cool features to an ancient concept." I think they should have said Takara Tomy did that, and Hasbro put them out in the U.S., Canada, France, England, etc.
I think he totally mixed them up. If he didn't, he can watch Meteo L-Drago to see that he was wrong.
Wow! That's so cool!
The interview of Hasbro's Vice President for Marketing included a statement which is contrary to the actual performance of the top. Weird. Confused
Congrats guys! Grin
This is a huge step for the WBO. not only our reputation rights, but in our community as well.

(Dec. 13, 2011  7:44 AM)KyubiBey Wrote: [ -> ]He (Zakiah) used Basalt Horogium uncustomized and won (I should know since I called and texted him during the championships. And I saw the final battle). Btw, he has an account on here, it's Zakiah10 I believe. He usually uses BBP with friends in battle.

Hm, that's interesting...
He uses the ultimate Defense part, and still considers BBP to be his best...
I think the anime might be influencing him quite a lot, because if he is talking about an uncustomized BBP, then...... :\
That is incredible.

I am proud to have my video featured on NPR Smile
I was wondering if you'd ever post about that Gulli Mag interview, Kai-V!

(Dec. 13, 2011  8:19 AM)njrk97 Wrote: [ -> ]"Some tops, if they have a very flat bottom, will launch into the arena, not move very much at all, but kind of spin forever," says DePriest. "Those are called stamina tops. Some tops, if you have a little narrow pencil point at the tip, will launch into the arena and jump all over the place. And those are called attack tops."

umm what!?!?!?! de preist has got then a bit mixed up me thinks

I read this and was like Serious

Nevertheless, very cool that they chose to feature the Sliding Shoot video in the article!
Glad to see Beyblade getting the publicity it deserves! Grin Still kind of odd how DePriest mixed up the qualities of attack and stamina, but that's fine. Smile

Congrats to Brad for getting your Sliding Shoot video featured! I must admit, that's pretty nice.
This is great!
Umm, I'm probably not grasping the significance of this as I don't really know how big the nbc is. It's the #1 radio Station in USA? Or close to it.

But according to how everyone else is reacting it must be pretty big. Great work guys !
It's NPR, not NBC
(Dec. 13, 2011  2:08 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]Wow! That's so cool!
The interview of Hasbro's Vice President for Marketing included a statement which is contrary to the actual performance of the top. Weird. Confused

just proves how much hasbro knows about beyblade
The marketing division VP is not going to be one of the playtesters anyway...
That may be true, but you'd think he'd at least know some physics...
Congratulations on being mentioned there! I found the article and came straight here to see what everyone thought of it. Very nice publicity, and great that they featured the video!

as a news report it was good, same with the publicity for the hobby, but as far as the information on it, Derryl DePriest, Hasbro's OWN VP of marketing muffed up the Attack and Stamina types.... I applaud Hasbro on being the North American "rep.s" -if you will- of the hobby, but all in all Hasbro makes some derpy moves here and there....
I didn't know the news was interested in beyblade. I thought everyone but us looked down on bladers
Which I could go to worlds came in 2nd. Congrats to the beyblade world
I can see this site huge on alexa some day!

Great stuff!
This is great news for Beyblades, though there were a few wrong stuff here and there on the bottoms, it's still great news.

I noticed the comments below the article....oh well, haters gonna hate XD
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