World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Wazzup yo!?
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Sup, m arkger, one of the nerdiest bladers you'll meet. I can find ANYTHING Metal fusion etc. Im a hasbro blader, so excuse all TT slowness.

Im also a big nintendo gamer, but also likes Microsoft. Ive had a account here for abit, but never used it.
But from what ive seen, t knida looks like im the politest Tired.

Also, i dont know my way around, so I might post threads in the wrong places. In Advance, Srry!
Rather than scapegoating your inexperience ahead of time, perhaps you would do better to pay attention and simply not post a thread if you're unsure about it or its location, until you're "familair", then. Wink

Welcome to the WBO. Acknowledge and abide the rules, and have a good time!
Ahh... perhaps I should huh?
I will do that.
BTW, how do you get the facebolts under your name?
Faces come from many different things! Some from winning or participating in tournaments, some from collecting Beyblades, etc. but, most are from participating in contests and non-MFB tournaments.

The easiest one to get is the first one under my name, which comes from a Blader Passport - which is purchased on-site for $10 - that allows you to enter tournaments free of charge for a year. Most of them have descriptions on how to get them posted here!

Will do! Thanks!