World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Super Mario Sunshine
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Artie Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:It isn't. I don't think the game looks realistic at all. I think it has good graphics, but I don't think it looks realistic.

It's really not nostalgia, the game still looks amazing and I prefer it over the muddy sepia direction games seem to be going.

Depends on how you see art, and your preference in graphics I guess. However, we can agree that on a technical level graphic wise, OOT is light years beyond current games.
best typo ever
It appears this Super Mario Sunshine Thread is now a Zelda debating thread XD
Ominous Wrote:[Image: captainobvious-30189.jpg]

Go Captain Obvious!!!
just saying, that 8.8 that twilight princess got at gamespot?

that was the fairest score it got.


Loved it, but the water pack made it kinda easy. Still awesome though. And I didn't like being to able to punch things. Spraying with water is not the same as punching things. Ohhhh no.
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