World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: GFX Battle: Irish BeyBlade
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Ok so here's the rules:

Theme: Ginka
Text: Irish BeyBlade
Size: 500x70

Participants: (Click to View)
I will not be entering. Good Luck. Entries are due on the 19 Oct. The winners entry will be used as the site's banner. All competitors must agree before entering.
Can I Join? if yes then count me in!
Yep, you're in!
When were you planning on actually mentionning that you might be using a banner entered in this battle for your own site ? This is very important information that all participants need to be informed of.
Yeah, sorry. I've added it to the OP. BEYBOOST, if you want to withdraw your entry I'd be fine with it. I still need people to join!
I'll enter. It'll be good practice.
Quote:All the entries must be green, and must include the following:
  • Shamrock
  • Leprechaun
  • Irish Soda Bread
Failure to put all these in will result in disqualification.

On a serious note, good luck with your battle.
Hah, thats funny! I love Soda Bread! Thanks.
You know what? I'll enter. (:
sorry I won't participate more Unhappy I will not send my entry Unhappy