World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: team second side (recruiting now)
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This is pretty much a team that is for everyone, even if you're on another team. The requirements are:
you must live in Washington D.C., Virginia, or Maryland,
you must tell your tallest and shortest tracks, and your age (also, tell your skill that you think you have) (bad, good, extremely good, etc.).

(here's mine)
Age: 11
Tallest track: 230
Shortest track: 85
Skill: extremely good
Wrong forum. Post it in the North america section here.
(Oct. 10, 2011  9:03 PM)Taj12 Wrote: [ -> ]Wrong forum. Post it in the North america section here.

how do I change the forum?
I don't think you can move the thread yourself, only a moderator can. make a new thread and this one will be closed and sent to the close threads forum
ok thanks for telling me,but I have one problem, I don't see the North america forum
everyone that is looking at this page look at the North America one please