World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Legacy - who am I?
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Post after post, year after year, everything is the same. Walking into an abyss is more fun if you're with a friend, at least, according to our society. I have no Legacy, nothing to obtain except lost success. I wander through life alone, searching for it's answers. Yet, none EVER come. Is life so difficult to live that everyone can make you hurt? When you say "don't let things get to you", do you think that, even for a second, you are a hippocrit? It makes you think: there are so many that leave a mark in society, yet, the average person still strives to get a spot, only to have it all taken away. Survival of the "Fittest" = Survival of the Unworthy. That's why we don't make it. Fate has no hand in this either, as anyone can get there... if they "try hard" and "apply themselves". We all try our hardest. But, is it enough? NO. It's never enough. With all this to think about, I ask you: Who is JBey, and who are you? Feel free to post comments about your legacy, what you live for, what you tried to get but failed to achieve. Thank you.