WOW, so hard to chose...... E1, good lightning, good cutting, neat text, and awesome background
Entry 1 is quite prominent, but it does not show the deep detail Entry 2 shows.
Entry 2, I vote for.
LOL, both you and Izuma have the same avi XD
well, I vote for 1, because it's clear, unlike 2 which is blurred out
IKR, he stole it even though i got it first from Kai-V....... and both entries show effort. which i like
Easy answer. E2, shows more of superman. + wayyy more deep,
I vote E2. It has a dark sort of angst that E1 just doesn't deliver for me.
Both these entry's make superman look evil to me , I don't really know much about him but isn't he supposed to be good? I prefer entry 2 though I like the effects on it.
These two are really good..tough to choose but I'll go with Entry 2 because the effects on it are better
E1: Good lighting but has a bad render choice the BG is very nice and the text placemnt is good so i choose E1
Entry 1. The depth is way better and it just looks better overall. It's 1 AM where I live right now so I'm not really going to go into depth on this comment...
Really tough choice but I'll go with entry 1, I really like the vibrant and bright colours.
Score Check!
Entry 1: 6
Entry 2: 5
Ya! This is a pretty good battle. But damn, it took a while to come out.

BP, I told you I could help you with the battle threads.
(Oct. 02, 2011 6:20 AM)NoodooSoup Wrote: [ -> ]Entry 1. The depth is way better and it just looks better overall. It's 1 AM where I live right now so I'm not really going to go into depth on this comment...
Shes right...
Well, both entries are incredible but I have to go with entry 2. It shows depth, and is better made. Entry 1 is a bit hard to look at, too bright and the render takes up too much space on the sig.
Entry 1 .
Awesome Background,Bright colors (as mentioned by Medz) and well,it looks sexy!
Entry 2 seems to have better blending so i choose E2. They are really close though

Entry 1 is way better. Even though #2 has a better meaning but its just some smudging and a render slapped on. Entry 1 needs better quality on the render , the effects look nice. I dislike how the render is filling up the entire canva's which is bad for composition

#1 GMV.
I vote forEntry 1
because it has awesome effects and cool background
hard to choose soory for the one i m not voting for as both of u are my nice friends but as i have to choose between them i choose E1
(Oct. 06, 2011 9:42 AM)Wolverine Mode Wrote: [ -> ]Entry 1 is way better. Even though #2 has a better meaning but its just some smudging and a render slapped on. Entry 1 needs better quality on the render , the effects look nice. I dislike how the render is filling up the entire canva's which is bad for composition
#1 GMV.
Damn, I'll make sure that doesn't happen again...
Man, at least this battle was somewhat close.
E1/Electric: 10
E2/Othellog: 7