World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Another Temporal Novel-Corporeal
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Well, here we go! The first two chapters of my novel! Anyways, I have a bit more done, but that needs to be cleaned up. Please post comments, concerns, and overall criticism!

Prologue-The Ottomans
Chapter 1-Class 9, on center stage!
Chapter 2-Exam day and suspicious words.
Sounds good! I thought I had a grasp for the characters at first, but they quickly changed (Danielle's apparently not very smart, and he apparently is, contrary to my original thoughts). I think during the battle, the word "Reflection" was used a bit too much, though... I don't know how you'd fix that though. Maybe you should say who's saying what, not all the time, but more than you already did. Sometimes I couldn't really tell who was saying what, especially when the conversations were long. But, overall, it's pretty good and enjoyable.
Fixing that now. Anything else? I decided that the characters who would be major parts of the story would name their Reflections, so I'm not saying it as often. I'll post the edits.
For some reason it feels like Baka no Test Shokanjuu, with Himeji sick so she fails, the classrooms they all feel like that anime with the Reflection System instead of Summoned Beasts.
Part of the idea came from that, but for the most part, it is different. Actually, the only thing that actually came from Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu was the idea that students could summon things. The matches are pre-scheduled, rarely does a Reflection bear any resemblance to the user, and very few of Class 9's characters are actually dumb, much unlike Class F. Though yes, some inspiration came from Baka Test.
I like it, but not much seems to be happening in the 2nd chapter, a filler? and I got a bit confused with the reflection fighting.
The prologue and the first chapters were supposed to give the readers a feel for the characters, namely their respective ideas. Like how lazy Dan is, but his twin sister actually tries to improve. As stated before, i'm working on it. My idea is that major characters will name theirs so it's not as confusing. Hopefully that works.
Okay, let me elaborate on where the ideas came from. I got it from Baka Test, to an extent. For the most part, however, my inspiration is Ender's Game. When your career is based on your grades in a hyper-competitive society, can you afford to be lazy? I'll elaborate more on what I mean in the next few chapters.