World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: GFX Tournament: zflare3 vs. taj12!
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Kingdom Hearts~

Entry 1
[Image: mmw5x.png]
Entry 2
[Image: gfxg.png]
I Vote For Entry 1

EDIT: in entry 1 ther colours are used carelessly and the render is not visible in entry 2 the render selection is not soo good and the sig is too unclear
Entry 1 sure is better than entry I vote for it as well
(Sep. 23, 2011  10:30 AM)BEYBOOST Wrote: [ -> ]I Vote For Entry 1

You need to expand on your answer, or it won't count
Entry1: Its just 'Kingdom hearts". don't put way to many renders

voting on 1, as it is graphically better than two
The glow on bottom of Entry 1 is kinda pointless. :\ It distracts from the sig. Otherwise, it's decent. Entry 2 has a really distracting background, and the text and render don't flow at all. Plus, the render's legs are randomly covered.

However, despite their faults, I concede that entry 1 is better than entry 2.
entry 1
you can barely see anything in entry 2 ...
at least you can sum up whats going on I mean all there is in no. 2 is a few patterns and a pic of sora...
my vote goes to entry 1 cause its far better than the 2nd one
Score Check!
E1: 6
E2: 0

Come on people, vote!
Yup, I vote for ENTRY ONE. The graphics are just better, and its not that random, like the second one.
Neither of the two are good, but I would say 1 is better because the colors don't take up the entire things.
I hate to say this, but both entries are quite bad. I'm voting Entry 1, it seems as though it's had a bit more effort put into it.

Entry 1: 3/10
Entry 2: 1.5/10
I agree, neither entry is actually great, but there is a definite level of skill in the first that's not present in the second, so the first gets my vote.

I do agree with those that said the lighting in the first entry is a little superfluous, it doesn't quite seem to go with the rest of the banner because it feels like something that would fit better in a more free flowing picture.
Score Check!
E1: 10
E2: 0

Keep the votes coming guys, only a few days left!
I agree with everyone entry 1 takes my vote seeing that its much better than entry 2
Bump. Vote!!
Voting is closed!
E1/taj12: 11
E2/zflare: 0
Thanks, it was a good match and was really fun. Good luck for next time. Smile
(Sep. 24, 2011  1:45 AM)BeyCenter Wrote: [ -> ]Neither of the two are good, but I would say 1 is better because the colors don't take up the entire things.

You took the words RIGHT out of my mouth.

(Mine is Entry 1)
(Oct. 03, 2011  2:09 AM)IsamuOkada Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 24, 2011  1:45 AM)BeyCenter Wrote: [ -> ]Neither of the two are good, but I would say 1 is better because the colors don't take up the entire things.

You took the words RIGHT out of my mouth.

(Mine is Entry 1)

The battle is already over
(Unless you were just giving comments......)