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Full Version: Izuma Inzori's GFX Shop - Free and Animated! [CLOSED! READ OP!]
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Animations - Check
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I'm back, Using a simple Photoshop CS3, I'll do my best to make great GFXs for my customers.


Use This Format in Requesting - If you don't use this format, consider your sig request INVALID

Graphics: (Provide Links!)


You MUST use the GFXs I made you (For at least a week).
No double requesting as in asking me to make you a sig and asking SDC to do the same thing.
Only 3 Requests/Week
You MUST give me credit for the GFX
no stealing other people's GFXs
No Requesting of you have a GFX shop or have made a GFX before

I will report you if you don't follow the rules.


Izuma Inzori

You are Awesome Izuma!!!!!!

Pictures: Hell Kerbecs, Jade Jupiter, Dunamis, Damian, and an explosion


Hell Kerbecs

Jade Jupiter

Damien Heart



Text(awesome font): ShockCaelum
Background: blue Flames.
If needed, pic for background:

Description: Hell Kerbecs sits on the left side, jupiter on the right. Behind each bey is its respective owner. Between this is the explosion. In the middle of this explosion is the text, just the way i typed it above(but in an awesome font), ShockCaelum. If you can, get a better explosion, cuz mine sucks.


Zeo and Dunamis facing ecah other with the same flames behind them, Hell Kerbecs Behind them--Same Kerbecs pic

Thank You Izuma!!!!!!
Sorry man, the links are Bust

I cant find the Dunamis and the Zeo Pics, Every thing else is OK

Edit: NVM, Got the Pics, will PM them to you
Pics:Hell Kerbecs, Gravity Perseus, LDrago Destroy.
Links: Hell Kerbecs -

Gravity Perseus -

Ldrago Destroy -

Background -

Text: Xano0909(cool font)

Description: Gravity Perseus on the left, Hell Kerbecs on the right and LDrago Destroy in the middle. the text below all three beys.
coming right up!
You cannot "bump" any topics outside of the Bey Marketplace forum.
ohhh, sorry Kai-V i thought it was allowed, won't do it again
Hey Bro, Thanks for the animated Sig that you made me! it was totally Awesome! i liked the Spinning Blitz and the Thunder clouds a lot!
Okay so I wanted a sig and I requested from a few places just so I woul get a good one lets see this one for now!

Text: H8R!
Animation: Spinning Beys, and a spark that grows bigger the longer the two beys spin!
Graphics: Masamune


Phantom Orion

Blitz Unicorno

Description: Make it a bright background with Blue on masamune's side and green on Chris' side!
make the two beys provided look like they're clashing with a spark/explosion in the middle.

We're just after making him a signature. He's just being greedy!
(Sep. 22, 2011  4:58 PM)Au®a Wrote: [ -> ]We're just after making him a signature. He's just being greedy!

haha izuma actually PM'ed me to request into his shop so I'm not really the one being greedy here I've gotten quite a few PM's after requesting at your shop!
If you're not too busy, I'd like to request.
Type: Avatar
Rest: If you could, show Draciel spinning.
Andrew Thanks.
hey could you make me an avatar with Toby and Screw Lyra with font "FMB" i want an avatar for use on my WBO, YouTube and such. Thanks!
Ok, will do all three of yours, NO MORE REQUESTS UNTIL I HAVE FINISHED THEM!
All Done, Please CnC and of you want for changes, ask away Smile

[Image: H8Rs-Sig-1.gif]
I must say, im pretty happy with the results of this Smile

[Image: MartyrsAvi1.png]

[Image: Meteo-L-leones-Avi-1.gif]
Grin thanks can I have the link? I really like it Smile
EDIT: Izuma, since my avatar turned to the other thing, I'm going to switch to an avatar I made. sorry, I like it, butyours stopped working. Unhappy
just right click on you avi and select copy link, then paste the link into the avatar section of your User CP
We just made H8R a sig the other day. You should check to see if they requested to another shop before you make it.
i wanted the txt to be 'FMB' Uncertain
but other than that it looks AWESOME!!!
oh and actually id like the text bigger and to the top left
Ok, will change it, uploaded in a min

EDIT: here it is Smile [Image: MartyrsAvi1-1.png]

Thanks for this AWESOME sigs bro ! Joyful_2
No prob man, enjoy. I am open for requests btw
hello can make a sig for me
background: this TYPE of colour
Pics:i want dunamis to be lauching jade juptier and he is glowing with purple also i want 3 slides 1st slide dunamis lauching jade juptier 2 slide saying my name Kyoa Leone and the 3 one Credits goes to Izuma Inzori
I want it to be aminetions and my name in black thank u XD
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