World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Summer Spin Showdown - Retrospective
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(Sep. 07, 2011  3:41 AM)Slee Wrote: [ -> ]I probably should have gone to one, but none of them were really around my area, except for the New York one, and that would still be a bit of a trip for me. Next year my family is probably moving to boston, which is still a bit away from a majority of the action. Then again, the few tournaments I've been in I've lost within the first few rounds, lol. Though it puts a damper on my beypoints, I still enjoy playing. Would I go to it next time? i don't know. Next year I'll probably be caught up in a lot of stuff, as for what to do after my senior year, and such.
There were 85 people in New York. I don't think you would have enjoyed it because I know you don't like big crowds. Unhappy

The tournament in L.A. worked out great! Toywiz was really generous in sponsoring the tournaments. The only thing that I think we could have improved on was the organization. At least 6 or 7 kids showed up late and we had to call deikailo, wait for her to make them all accounts, make new brackets, and call us back. By then alot more kids left and then we had to call her and ask her to make new brackets. Overall, the tournament took 6 hours and the fact that Taiwo seigi baled on us at the last second did help either. I'm really lucky my dad was that patient. But the tournament was still a blast. I never got to beyblade for 6 hours straight before! I really look forward to next summer.
is this a every year thing?
Thre is no info on this, yet. If it was, KaiV would have said.
(Sep. 07, 2011  5:01 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 07, 2011  3:41 AM)Slee Wrote: [ -> ]I probably should have gone to one, but none of them were really around my area, except for the New York one, and that would still be a bit of a trip for me. Next year my family is probably moving to boston, which is still a bit away from a majority of the action. Then again, the few tournaments I've been in I've lost within the first few rounds, lol. Though it puts a damper on my beypoints, I still enjoy playing. Would I go to it next time? i don't know. Next year I'll probably be caught up in a lot of stuff, as for what to do after my senior year, and such.
There were 85 people in New York. I don't think you would have enjoyed it because I know you don't like big crowds. Unhappy
Holy carp, that's crazy. I guess it was hectic too, then? if so, then yeah, It would probably have been extremely hard for me to remain concentrated on the game and more anxious.
i would be so gratful if they did this again
me too! I'm glad that they can have a wbo tourney in california, but my parents won't drive me any farther than san jose... :s maybe if there is a next time, we could do it with entertainment earth?
The summer spin showdown was a great idea the WBO should try to make it an annual thing, it was great, the only thing i would like to see was maybe a vendor from ToyWiz there but know that's illegal in NY without a permit. Otherwise, it was great and i hope there will be something like it in the future.
Hey guys, I just wanted to thank everyone for their support with this, it was a grand adventure and we learned a lot from running it! It looks like a good time was had by all! I'd like to point out how much work Kai-V and the entire WBO crew put into this to make it work as well as ToyWizBebs on our side.

Thanks once more and we look forward to getting to collaborate again!
Sorry if I'm impatient, but this never got answered. Tongue_out

(Sep. 07, 2011  12:56 AM)Kaiba Hiwatari Wrote: [ -> ]I actually haven't used my code yet, but I've heard that the value has dropped to 5% off. Is this correct?

Anyway, I'd be really excited it if this kind of thing happened again. To all the GA bladers out there, you could expect to see more of me. Smile
i didnt get the code or my points or anything! i went to the ny tourney. it was fun and it was my 1st tourney so idk how the beypoint system is. can somone get back to me?
This tournament series was fun. I enjoyed hosting one. Hopefully we can do something again in the future with Toywiz.
(Sep. 09, 2011  12:59 AM)jocoolshow Wrote: [ -> ]i didnt get the code or my points or anything! i went to the ny tourney. it was fun and it was my 1st tourney so idk how the beypoint system is. can somone get back to me?

The coupon code might have been posted in the topic for that tournament, I think.

Beypoints are added automatically by us when we process results. However, at the moment that tournament's results have not been processed yet because there are other events that happened before it that need to be done first.
(Sep. 09, 2011  12:59 AM)jocoolshow Wrote: [ -> ]i didnt get the code or my points or anything! i went to the ny tourney. it was fun and it was my 1st tourney so idk how the beypoint system is. can somone get back to me?
I have the results for that one. It's going to be a headache since there were 85 people and we had 21+ people drop over the course of the tournament so I have to figure out where forfeits are due as I promised Cye during our moment of "wtf are we going to do?" that I'd use my amazing math skills to solve the number issue.
I spent my money on a l-drago destroy Grin
I liked the collab with ToyWiz. If I would have gone to that tourney and won, I would've gotten a BB-10 and a Perseus.
I had a great time (winning that is) but who cares about that I had a yoga ball amount of fun thanks to nano kanato and of course toywiz
Oh I bought 2random booster 8s scythe kronos and ldrago desroy OH and 1 yugioh card Stupid
I just used my coupon to buy a Hasbro Flame Byxis 230WD, Hasbro Rev-up Launcher, and an Angry Bird. For me, it's much easier to purchase everything online. Even if it's a little more expensive, my local Toys 'R' Us is 30 minutes from my house (without traffic), which means the entire shopping experience is about 1 to 1.5 hours of my time, about $10 in gas, and then nothing is guaranteed to be in stock. By purchasing from Toy Wiz, at least I saved time and they have what I want before Toys 'R' Us does, not to mention I hate the customer service I get at Toys 'R' Us. Toy Wiz has great staff at the warehouse!

Thanks so much for the coupon code. Smile
(Sep. 10, 2011  6:40 PM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]I just used my coupon to buy a Hasbro Flame Byxis 230WD, Hasbro Rev-up Launcher, and an Angry Bird. For me, it's much easier to purchase everything online. Even if it's a little more expensive, my local Toys 'R' Us is 30 minutes from my house (without traffic), which means the entire shopping experience is about 1 to 1.5 hours of my time, about $10 in gas, and then nothing is guaranteed to be in stock. By purchasing from Toy Wiz, at least I saved time and they have what I want before Toys 'R' Us does, not to mention I hate the customer service I get at Toys 'R' Us. Toy Wiz has great staff at the warehouse!

Thanks so much for the coupon code. Smile

Is it still 10% off? If so, I'll probably go with Hasbro Twisted Tempo and/or LDD.

Sorry for asking this a third time; it didn't get answered before. Tongue_out
i dont think i got my bey points
Wait for them. Your tournament was not the only one.
I used my prize code to buy 2 bb-118 Phantom Orion, 1 bb-119 Death Queztalcoatal, and 1 launcher rubber pack. Thank you!

My suggestion for a future similar sponsorship would be to choose more/additional locations for the SSS tournaments that are not already WBO strongholds. The ToyWiz sponsorship generated a lot of interest from new bladers and I think we can best use that effect to create new WBO tournament markets that could become self-sustaining afterwards.

Overall, I think that the whole sponsorship concept is brilliant. Hard work to coordinate for certain, but it is outreach activities like this that will keep the WBO growing and keep our tournament scene alive and vibrant.

Well done!
i went to the one in new york and it rained so i couldnt stay and it ended can they have a redo cuz i felt that it sucked it couldnt go on
(Sep. 14, 2011  3:43 AM)royalkingdom510 Wrote: [ -> ]i went to the one in new york and it rained so i couldnt stay and it ended can they have a redo cuz i felt that it sucked it couldnt go on
We actually moved everyone to a shelter. I know, it sucked, but we did the best we could.

We're not going to "redo" the tournament. What we will do is most likely just have more tournaments. To run a tournament in central park takes a lot out of the hosts so we have to have it more carefully planned for next time... especially since a stadium was stolen.
Overall, I think this series of tournaments were a good idea. It generated a lot of interest and (at least for SoCal) brought more community to Beyblade.

Hopefully, these events will continue.
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