World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: Uprising - BeyBlade Story
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Chapter 1 (Click to View)

Chapter 2 (Click to View)
What about your other story? (Cross Black Excalibur)
I might continue that but it wasn't really going anywhere.
Are you accepting character requests?
No. Thats where I went wrong in my last story.
Chapter 2 (Click to View)
hhm, it's ok, but there's one flaw, the description, there's not much of a styel behind it, normally you need a proper style, but yours seems to be lacking excitement
Ok thanks. I'll try improve on that!
Are you still writing this story??
If you want, I will.
(Oct. 06, 2011  7:59 AM)Áú®5672 Wrote:If you want, I will.

But what about Cross Black Excalibur?

I liked that story because i wanted to see my character in it