World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Hi. Well I used to be SpiffyStu but when I was trying to go to my settings I accidentally hit log out but I've forgot my password and it won't accept my email.
You must be doing something wrong. Contact Kai-V to retrieve your password, if at all possible.
Ask a admin to "force reactivate"you, or just check your spam folder(try to go to your old account, and look what email did you use)
You should go to Kai-V for that case.
Welcome Back! ........Sort of,and dont forget to contact Kai-V
I think I'll just get kia-v to delete SpiffyStu. It's not like I achieved anything like a face bolt as Spiffy, and I king of like being Ω Gravy.
Nah man, no need to.
Just get the PW to the old one and rename yourself.