I'm pretty sure I still have my passport, so I'm in.
Not sure if I'm too late, but if I'm not, I'd like to enter ^^.
There is still slightly more than one day left to enter this giveaway. Do not miss your chance!
let me join i have a passport
Yay,only 30 more minutes left until the winner's announced!
(Aug. 01, 2011 4:29 AM)Ultimate Kcpj Wrote: [ -> ]Yay,only 30 more minutes left until the winner's announced!
Ah, actually we are all humans and we will get some deserved sleep first. This topic will just be locked in twenty-nine minutes, blocking any more entries.
Hola, damas y caballeros y sus variantes!
I mean.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen and variations thereof! It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d... *cough* announce the winners of the July giveaway!
The winners are:
Congratulations! Please contact OkiBlaze to receive your prizes!
Until next time! *vanishes in puff of smoke*
Well, Dan, I guess that "eventually you should get a Variares" comment I made to you was foreshadowing this. Congrats! Toronto is in trouble now.
Haha, just like the HMS + Plastics give away, two of the winners are from melbourne. More proof of our amazing beyspirits! Congrats to the winners!

Haha, congratulations to the winners,

Haha let's gooo
I think I'll just pick it up at the fray, huh?
Suprising booster choice: Blue!
(Aug. 04, 2011 12:28 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulations! Please contact Kei to receive your prizes!
lol Daegor have you not been reading anything? Everyone, please contact
OkiBlaze this time, not me! Congratulations to all of the winners.

gratz to the winners. im unlucky again

Congratulations to all the winners! I'll eventually win one of these...
Has the Curse of Saggittario ended yet?
Awesome !
I'd like a Face Booster Purple please. [:
Lucky winners! Congratulations!
Awww, dang!
Well, congrats to the winners!
I wonder whats in store for the August giveaway...