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I was walking to the bus stop home this afternoon and I found a transparent green D125 with a green B tip attached to it. I don't much care for the b tip but the D125 was a nice find.
You know, this is interesting. Outside around my block, I found a 125 Track...
It was pretty interesting. More unknown bladers around me? Go Figure.
(Jul. 14, 2011 12:48 AM)PunkBlader Wrote: [ -> ]I was walking to the bus stop home this afternoon and I found a transparent green D125 with a green B tip attached to it. I don't much care for the b tip but the D125 was a nice find.
ohhh that must have been the bey I destroyed earlier.... good times....
I saw a PTW filled with orange peels when I was with my friend taking his dog for a walk. I almost cried T_T
I saw two HF/S's, and they were both horribly worn, and unable to switch modes.

(Jul. 14, 2011 12:55 AM)Nano Wrote: [ -> ]I saw a PTW filled with orange peels when I was with my friend taking his dog for a walk. I almost cried T_T
Wow. Now that, that is cool. Sure it's useless but you don't see that stuff everyday.
my sisters freind was playing soccer at school an steped on a lightning ldrago100b and gave it to her.
the ball peformance tip was ruined but it was a great find. but it smells really bad!
(Jul. 14, 2011 12:58 AM)BeyBladestation Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul. 14, 2011 12:55 AM)Nano Wrote: [ -> ]I saw a PTW filled with orange peels when I was with my friend taking his dog for a walk. I almost cried T_T
Wow. Now that, that is cool. Sure it's useless but you don't see that stuff everyday.
I literally got down on my knees and looked up to the sky asking "WHY?!?!?!"
There were kids around at the time riding scooters and bikes.
i forgot to wright that i also found my freinds missing 145 track in my swim suit!
I found a Mint Sol BlazeV145F, Burn PiscesED145F, a black 3-segment grip launcher, 2 Meteo L Drago (No track no bottom), and 3 Rock Leone145WB, a Lightning L Drago, and 2 beylauncher LR. My 10 or 11 year old cousin and his little brother came charging at me. They said it was theirs, after a few seconds, they said I could keep every bey & accessories.
I also once found a Storm Pegasus, no tip, on the floor of a store. It had no RF, so no use to me.
(Jul. 14, 2011 1:26 AM)BeyBladestation Wrote: [ -> ]I also once found a Storm Pegasus, no tip, on the floor of a store. It had no RF, so no use to me.
That reminds, me, I found a Cyber Pegasus 105F with no face in the store, it was laid out along the section. The pieces were useless, so I didn't grab it.
(Jul. 14, 2011 1:08 AM)kwakerjak Wrote: [ -> ]i forgot to wright that i also found my freinds missing 145 track in my swim suit!
I don't think I want to know. Unless your trunks have pockets.
I found an R2F and a CS nearby my old street where I used to live. Good thing too, Cause I wasn't gonna spend 8.99 on a Striker.
(Jul. 14, 2011 1:24 AM)FrenchFrieZ® Wrote: [ -> ]I found a Mint Sol BlazeV145F, Burn PiscesED145F, a black 3-segment grip launcher, 2 Meteo L Drago (No track no bottom), and 3 Rock Leone145WB, a Lightning L Drago, and 2 beylauncher LR. My 10 or 11 year old cousin and his little brother came charging at me. They said it was theirs, after a few seconds, they said I could keep every bey & accessories.
you got to be kidding me, I lost those, I dropped them in a warp machine....
I was at a swim park, and in the grass I found a gemios clear wheel! T_T I know, usless, but hey, free parts ftw! *-* also, I found a badly pounded flame saggitario at a park. it was just a peice of carp. I think someone with a storm capricorn and a beylauncher R pwned it. the only thing intact was the metal wheel, which was dull and grass stained. also reminds me of the time I found a master draciel half buried in my backyard. (I was about 4)
(Jul. 14, 2011 1:35 AM)Callum6939 Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul. 14, 2011 1:24 AM)FrenchFrieZ® Wrote: [ -> ]I found a Mint Sol BlazeV145F, Burn PiscesED145F, a black 3-segment grip launcher, 2 Meteo L Drago (No track no bottom), and 3 Rock Leone145WB, a Lightning L Drago, and 2 beylauncher LR. My 10 or 11 year old cousin and his little brother came charging at me. They said it was theirs, after a few seconds, they said I could keep every bey & accessories.
you got to be kidding me, I lost those, I dropped them in a warp machine....
Those weren't at a "warp machine", they were lying on my cousin's drive way, in Brampton. They even told me they were purchased from eBay, they even have boxes of them.
Warp machines go any where... they are a device not a mounted portal.....
also the whole thing was my joke

(Jul. 14, 2011 1:48 AM)Callum6939 Wrote: [ -> ]Warp machines go any where... they are a device not a mounted portal.....
also the whole thing was my joke 
Then what is the point of posting if you have nothing to reply, to state, or anything important to say? What kind of "joke" were you trying say?
I found some kind of 4d tip yesterday, don't know what bey it belongs to.
can you post a picture? I might be able to identify it for you.
I found a RF tip in my friends house and asked him if it was his and he said because he had every part to his beyblades so he let me have =D
i stepped on a upside down Burn Firblaze 135MS and put a whole in foot oddist thing to find at the lake lol onyl thing i could use was the burn wheel rest was melted together
My friend's found a Flame Sagittario C145 S, with crayon all over it and a claw missing from C145.
I was at the markets the other day and I found kinda a metal spike tip but the WHOLE tip was metal. I think it was from that rapidity top set fake pack. It was kinda like a metal spike but with a flat part at the friction point.
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