World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Perth, Western Australia] 17/07/11 Perth Plastics Pandemonium! (One Spot Available)
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so when is there gonna be a next tournament in Perth for those people who wants to use the metal fusion ones and im not going to this 1 this Sunday one its cool no probs at all
Me and my 2 bros could possibly come, but we have a few q's.
1. Where is it going to be held?
2. What time is it on Sat?
3. Are we allowed Tomy-Takara Metal Face Bolts?
4. What are plastics?
i will write back when we get the ok from the boss (mum).
Thnx ;-D
Flame Leone
(Jul. 14, 2011  9:32 AM)jaydevilman Wrote: [ -> ]so when is there gonna be a next tournament in Perth for those people who wants to use the metal fusion ones and im not going to this 1 this Sunday one its cool no probs at all
I dunno yet, I've got stuff to sort out first.

(Jul. 14, 2011  9:38 AM)FlameLeoneC145 Wrote: [ -> ]Me and my 2 bros could possibly come, but we have a few q's.
1. Where is it going to be held?
2. What time is it on Sat?
3. Are we allowed Tomy-Takara Metal Face Bolts?
4. What are plastics?
i will write back when we get the ok from the boss (mum).
Thnx ;-D
Flame Leone

Plastics were the original beyblades, from a few years ago. Beyblade Metal Fight/Fusion beys aren't allowed for this tourney. However, if you want to come along I will be able to lend you a plastic beyblade and launcher for the tournament.

The rest of that info is in the first post Wink
FAT BOB CAN COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tourney is a GO, I repeat, tourney is GO!

Thanks for getting him to come. I'll text him tomorrow to check and yeah. We've got 8 again Grin
Okay, Legendunicorn has confirmed that he can come. This basically saves my sister from having to compete, which is good.

So yeah, we're definitely on Smile

Will send out the reminder PM in a little, and work out what combo's people are going to get.

You'll probably only know for sure what you're getting on the day, it may help if you tell me what type of bey you want, though I will generally only provide beys that stand a chance against most types, as I don't want people stuck with overspecialised beys. This will probably mean balance types (usually compacts) or good attack types (which CAN beat almost everything, with a good launch and luck).
It also helps that plastics ARE a lot more luck-based than MFB, so you can do well with just a decent combo.

I'll take people through the combo's I'm lending them, and let them play a couple of practice battles before the tourney starts.

If anyone has a legal stadium (check the rules) please bring it along.
really wish i could go......... oh well, good luck everyone!
Don't fret. If it goes well and everyone realises why Plastics are so many times better than MFB, I'll host another at some point. Maybe when the Hidden Spirit Beys, or their AR's, are legalised Tongue_out_wink
This was the most amazing day I've had in ages. Thanks so much to EVERYONE who helped make this happen, I've been pretty depressed lately, so it was really a big thing. I'm really proud of everyone who competed.

As I said, I'd be very interested in making this a kinda regular thing, if we could. I'll have better beys to share next time.

I'm also gonna ask everyone what suburbs they live in, as if it's possible, we may consider holding future tourneys at my place, once the renovations are complete. It would make it a lot easier, and less weather-dependent Smile

Plus, it makes catering easier too Tongue_out

Anyway, winners:

1st: RockBullH145SF: With his ancient Driger V2, with a magnetic weight disk, he truly honoured his ancient beyblade, going undefeated for the entire tourney, taking out my compact and zombie along the way. If anyone deserved to win the day, it was Brian. After coming last at the MFB tourney, he showed everyone up, and set an example for everyone there in terms of great sportsmanship.

2nd: Me, I was kinda cheap and spammed my Tiger Defenser/Wide Survivor/Left SG (Bearing Version)/Cross Survivor/Customise Grip Base zombie (the only zombie present), and my War Lion/10 Heavy/Neo-Right SG + HMC/SG Metal Change compact. Still, I did very well. My lack of a decent defense bey was likely my downfall, gonna get a good Wolborg 2 before the next tourney, for sure, and of course, a Driger V2. I lost to Brian, when I versed him during the tourney, and in the finals.

3rd: Fat Bob, continuing his streak of having the coolest username of anyone ever, borrowed my Tiger Defenser/10 Heavy/Neo Right SG + MWC/SG Metal Change, basically my original Driger S, and dominated. Sadly lost the tip (it went flying, never to be seen again) against my Zombie in the finals, so I replaced it with my own SG Metal Change. He lost both of his finals, but his bey and launch served him excellently throughout the tournament, and he truly showed everyone that he's a serious competitor.

Other notable mentions: legendunicorn, at his first tourney, almost made the finals, using my Wing Upper/6 Heavy/Right SG/SG Semi Flat. Excellent for someone who was initially just wanted to watch. Very brave to compete, and I do hope to see him again in future, as he was great to have around.
Tokyo Boyy: Would've done far better if he'd not used a largely uncustomised bey at the start. His collection and well-known ability will make him someone to be wary of next time we have a plastics tourney.

And of course, everyone else, for coming along, playing excellently, and managing to do well with the beys they had, or could borrow.

Will I AmBlader and BigBangPegasusX1, next tourney I'll make sure you get far better beys than this time, they worked fine for me, but in future, given the difficulty of those attack beys at tourneys, we'll look towards something a little less ridiculously difficult to use next time. I apologise, though they were the best beys I had.

Much quicker this time, huh?

So yeah, if everyone enjoyed today, and wouldn't mind, we will do this again some time Smile

In the meantime, expect another MFB tourney late August, likely at my place, maybe as a rip off of Deikailo's Beyblade Birthday Bash Tongue_out
hahah my wolborg 2 failed Tired im more of a collector for plastics so i dont know much about them Pinching_eyes
PM me a list of what you have next time we're planning a tourney, I'll be able to work something out from all those parts Smile
Oh, results and payments will be done tonight, including blader passports, though the committee has to process all that.

God damn, that Driger V2 was amazing. Totally buying one with my $1 Tongue_out

Everyone, check and reply to my PM's, and do remember to tell me if you'd be interested in doing this more often, or if you never want to see a plastic beyblade again Wink I host these things for you guys, so your input is crucial Tongue_out
looks like to guys had fun
(Jul. 17, 2011  11:18 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]PM me a list of what you have next time we're planning a tourney, I'll be able to work something out from all those parts Smile
Oh, results and payments will be done tonight, including blader passports, though the committee has to process all that.

God damn, that Driger V2 was amazing. Totally buying one with my $1 Tongue_out

Everyone, check and reply to my PM's, and do remember to tell me if you'd be interested in doing this more often, or if you never want to see a plastic beyblade again Wink I host these things for you guys, so your input is crucial Tongue_out

i hope they process our results from the last tourney soon. i want more faces
Don't we all Tongue_out But yeah, I'm sure there's a reason Smile

You should post a picture of your collection for the rose gold face! You've got over 50 beys all up, I'm sure!
(Jul. 17, 2011  11:48 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Don't we all Tongue_out But yeah, I'm sure there's a reason Smile

You should post a picture of your collection for the rose gold face! You've got over 50 beys all up, I'm sure!
just posted it Grin
What an Eventful Day of Tributes to the plastic generation.

We were blessed with beautiful weather, and maybe a bit too much sun later, but no burns.

New Generations of Bladers had a sweet history lesson of the Gimmicks that were introduced in that past, giving them the origins of of some Current Metal Fight parts such as the RF tip, L Drago, WD tip, the Final Drive Track, and the Delta Drive track. Hopes of future parts were born as well Joyful_2

This also sparked a creative interests of how the plastic generation parts were used which some of them could apply to Metal fight / Metal fusion Beyblades.

We also found 2 other good spots to have Battles on in the same Park Cute

Sadly we accidentally lost the metal tip of a Driger S.... but it will be remembered.

I like to think that at the end of the day, the Bladers understood why Beyblades were kinda big in the past and why 4 years later after it ended, Takara had the confidence to fuse with Tomy making new ideas and Bringing back Beyblades =)
(Jul. 19, 2011  2:02 AM)RockBullH145SF Wrote: [ -> ]What an Eventful Day of Tributes to the plastic generation.

We were blessed with beautiful weather, and maybe a bit too much sun later, but no burns.

New Generations of Bladers had a sweet history lesson of the Gimmicks that were introduced in that past, giving them the origins of of some Current Metal Fight parts such as the RF tip, L Drago, WD tip, the Final Drive Track, and the Delta Drive track. Hopes of future parts were born as well Joyful_2

This also sparked a creative interests of how the plastic generation parts were used which some of them could apply to Metal fight / Metal fusion Beyblades.

We also found 2 other good spots to have Battles on in the same Park Cute

Sadly we accidentally lost the metal tip of a Driger S.... but it will be remembered.

I like to think that at the end of the day, the Bladers understood why Beyblades were kinda big in the past and why 4 years later after it ended, Takara had the confidence to fuse with Tomy making new ideas and Bringing back Beyblades =)
im not sure if i got the history lesson... being that i wasnt there...but can someone PM me it because i kinda wasnt there? thanks
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