World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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I joined this site for the sole reason that I am a beybalde fan. I don't seem to get along with you guys that well but thats ok, im a reasonable guy. As long as you don't flame me, i wont flame you. I should make it clear here and now that I HATE the HMS tops. I am also not looking forward to the new series. I am a strict fan of the classic beyblades. I have been into the show since it first came out and I have over 50 blades, 12 of the special launchers and 5 arenas. I dont really have a favorite beyblade. I always use combinations of drigger and dranser tops. I hope you guys wont hold a grudge against me just because i don't share your view points. so far I have been under the impression that the mods (brad) are a bit bias here. My friend has had numerous threads locked for no good reason. This site almost seems like a dictatorship in which no one can disagree with common opinions. I hope you prove me wrong.
XD I guess I have No other Choice- Welcome.
Right, this is not how you make a great impression on people but whatevs.

How Brad runs this site is his business, take it or leave it. However I respect your opinion, just don't go raining on everyone's parade who wants to enjoy the new series. It won't make you a lot of friends here.

Also just to let you know the spelling is Driger and Dranzer.
=/ I back Brad up, but whatev.
Welcome to the WBO, dude. =)
MFB really are awesome, though, you shouldn't keep living in the past =P.
(Mar. 18, 2009  1:56 AM)arbitor365 Wrote: [ -> ]so far I have been under the impression that the mods (brad) are a bit bias here. My friend has had numerous threads locked for no good reason. This site almost seems like a dictatorship in which no one can disagree with common opinions.

the owners of a beyblade site want to support the new beyblade series!? heaven forbid!

also, you always use a combination of driger and dranzers? that's a pretty arbitrary limitation of your strategy, especially if you own 50 beyblades. (fyi most of the people here own at least that so don't act like it's such a big deal Smile )

private websites such as this one aren't mandated by free speech laws, and while i find your categorization of what we do here as a dictatorship to be incredibly unfair, if i decided to want to do that i'd be within my rights to do it. we work really hard to support the beyblade community and we're tired of hearing people whine about how they don't like the new series. you don't have to like it, but shut up about it so the rest of us can enjoy it in peace.
Welcome dude. No smiley for you
Welcome to WBO, have you actually got a MFB?
Huh…..I didn’t really think we’d see you again. I can forget that little fiasco the other day but if you’re still gonna have an attitude then I can’t see this going very far…….oh well. Welcome to the WBO. ^^; Hope you have fun? Smile
Welcome... again
But don't blow of MFB before you try it.
As long as no issues are caused then I won't have a problem with you.

I also ditto this:

Quote:the owners of a beyblade site want to support the new beyblade series!? heaven forbid!
You shouldn't be so close-minded and live in the past. Plastics aren't going anywhere and soon many people are only going to be using MFB if they already haven't.
Anyways welcome.
Welcome, read the rules! Dont make the mistakes I did!!!
Don't knock MFB before you even try some.
Anyway, I believe HMS are "classic beyblades". They are preccedors to the MFB series.
....oh, I already posted in here...uh...welcome AGAIN!!! Smile
Welcome to the WBO nevertheless enjoy!