World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: MF Gravity Perseus (Stamina Ver.) UW145CS
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MF Gravity Perseus (Stamina Ver.) UW145CS is my new combo. The CS isn't aggresive.
It is in Right Spin, Counter Mode. It's a spin-stealing Lightning L-Drago BD145LRF counter. UW145 is in Attack Mode.
Today, ControL_ said that I can't use Lightning L-Drago BD145LRF so you can do testing to prove it.
Hasbro Grip, BeyLauncher LR & MFB Attack Stadium used.

Tests out of 20.
MF Gravity Perseus (Stamina Ver.) UW145CS VS MF Lightning L-Drago BD145LRF
Gravity: 12 Wins (7 OS, 5 KO)
Lightning: 8 Wins (8 KO)

MF Gravity Perseus (Stamina Ver. Left Spin) UW145CS VS MF Scythe Bull BD145EDS (Stamina Mode)
Gravity: 11 Wins ( 9 OS, 2 KO)
Scythe: 9 Wins (8 OS, 1 KO)

Criticism appreciated.
Um,could UW145 be substituted
I would think it'd get KO'ed a lot... You have Scythe? As we know, Bull is not as good as Kronos CW is, please test:

MF Scythe Kronos (Attack Mode) BD145CS VS MFGPUW145CS
I dont own Scythe Kronos. I sold it to my cousin in Sussex
I would just like to note that momiji manju used this combo , but with basalt at when beys collide a while back it was a really good combo actually it Pwned 230 . I would test but i sold my GP a while back Unhappy