World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: MF Earth CancerBD145ES!!
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This is a stamina customization i made. I read that ES had great stamina but loses balance so I thought put it on a hard to knock around blade. The combo is Earth CancerBD145ES.

Tests against MF Lightning L DragoD125RF

Test Versus Earth Aquario100WD

Earth Cancer is amazing against low height stamina but is scrapes when smashed by a attack type. I have no doubt that Lightning Tank could beat tis but i dont have 2 BD145s so i couldnt test.
its alright i guess but gets knocked out far too easily for its compromised stamina
70%+ is recommended. You'd also need 20 Rounds. To be honest, ES would be way under pressure with BD145. You should try to add an MF so it isn't too easily knocked out. Is Lightning hitting more of the MW or Spin Track?
at D125 it would be hitting a mix of both.
BD145 tends to make anything look semi-decent at defense, or at least I think so..
(Jun. 21, 2011  9:33 PM)BeyBladestation Wrote: [ -> ]70%+ is recommended. You'd also need 20 Rounds. To be honest, ES would be way under pressure with BD145. You should try to add an MF so it isn't too easily knocked out. Is Lightning hitting more of the MW or Spin Track?

MW EA was hitting spin track.

MF Earth CancerBD145ES Vs MF LLD D125RF Its very good with MF let me change the OP

well from my testing it got 20% against Hell Kerbecs BD145RF .
(Jun. 22, 2011  6:02 AM)RustyXD Wrote: [ -> ]well from my testing it got 20% against Hell Kerbecs BD145RF .

Okay we found its counter. EC scrapes too much.
LOL 'we've found its counter' oh god.
I'm thinking any old attacker would do for this one, considering its Earth and plastic-tipped.
i dont know about ES on there,best you put CS
Its not bad , but why did you test it against Earth Aquario 100 WD ? Shouldn't you have used Earth Aquario 100 SD , if you don't have SD its fine.
(Jun. 22, 2011  11:45 AM)Zed Wrote: [ -> ]Its not bad , but why did you test it against Earth Aquario 100 WD ? Shouldn't you have used Earth Aquario 100 SD , if you don't have SD its fine.
I thought WD was better?:\
(Jun. 22, 2011  11:57 AM)Boo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 22, 2011  11:45 AM)Zed Wrote: [ -> ]Its not bad , but why did you test it against Earth Aquario 100 WD ? Shouldn't you have used Earth Aquario 100 SD , if you don't have SD its fine.
I thought WD was better?:\

WD is better on high tracks like 145 but SD obviously is better on low tracks.
(Jun. 22, 2011  12:02 PM)Zed Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 22, 2011  11:57 AM)Boo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 22, 2011  11:45 AM)Zed Wrote: [ -> ]Its not bad , but why did you test it against Earth Aquario 100 WD ? Shouldn't you have used Earth Aquario 100 SD , if you don't have SD its fine.
I thought WD was better?:\

WD is better on high tracks like 145 but SD obviously is better on low tracks.
Never knew that. I thought WD was better on both low tracks and high tracks because it provided more balance. Looks like I am going to have to trade back my SD.Unhappy (sorry for being off-topic)
MF Basalt Aquario BD145ES? Improved version of this I guess?
Lol ES defence. Why not EWD, huh?

60% for a BD145 defense combo against MF Lightning L Drago D125RF is poor.
(Jun. 22, 2011  12:05 PM)Boo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 22, 2011  12:02 PM)Zed Wrote: [ -> ]WD is better on high tracks like 145 but SD obviously is better on low tracks.
Never knew that. I thought WD was better on both low tracks and high tracks because it provided more balance. Looks like I am going to have to trade back my SD.Unhappy (sorry for being off-topic)

Thats trash bro, WD is better for both. :V
It's largely opinion, but I've never managed to get SD to outspin WD, with identical combo's (Earth Bull 85__, Same manufacturers and mint WD/SD)

D is better on 230 though, supposedly.
(Jun. 22, 2011  1:18 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Lol ES defence. Why not EWD, huh?

ES is taller than EWD significantly.
Mmm, true. Still sucks though. I don't think it's much of a benefit with ES's balance.
Quite a Combo .... I supose but just thinking here ES has nice Stamina but Balance Problems hurt it with BD and can survive Longer? and i know ES is Free spinning but wouldn't MS still have more Stamina Could MS be used with this Combo as well?
(Jun. 22, 2011  2:13 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]It's largely opinion, but I've never managed to get SD to outspin WD, with identical combo's (Earth Bull 85__, Same manufacturers and mint WD/SD)

D is better on 230 though, supposedly.
That's Strange.:\ For me SD ALWAYS outspins WD. But I tend to use WD because of it's better balance. SD also gets tossed around more (obviously). <---get back on topic Unhappy
(Jun. 22, 2011  2:28 PM)BillyBlast Wrote: [ -> ]Quite a Combo .... I supose but just thinking here ES has nice Stamina but Balance Problems hurt it with BD and can survive Longer? and i know ES is Free spinning but wouldn't MS still have more Stamina Could MS be used with this Combo as well?
That was what I was thinking. Although ES has better stamina MS seems to take harder hits better than ES...
I guess I launch quite rough, so both move around a bit (even if sd was launched steady, it'd be smacked around by my wd), which I guess costs stamina, more from sd.

If we're gonna use ms, might as well use MB, tbh.

That said, as it's right spin locked, I doubt the eternal nature is doing much.
(Jun. 22, 2011  1:18 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Lol ES defence. Why not EWD, huh?

60% for a BD145 defense combo against MF Lightning L Drago D125RF is poor.

its stamina
(Jun. 22, 2011  2:28 PM)BillyBlast Wrote: [ -> ]Quite a Combo .... I supose but just thinking here ES has nice Stamina but Balance Problems hurt it with BD and can survive Longer? and i know ES is Free spinning but wouldn't MS still have more Stamina Could MS be used with this Combo as well?

Mabye I dont have a MS if someone else had an MS they could test it.
Cool, then test against a stamina combo that is actually top-tier (100 isn't, and Burn is better than earth). Frankly, you should be testing against Hell Kerbecs BD145WD, and then the two big basalt combo's (MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230/BD145CS), as those are the prime difficulties stamina faces.

I really don't see BD145ES being great for stamina though.

Sure, there are some LTSC's at tourneys, but it's pretty rare in finals as they lose to literally everything else that's popular, and have for ages.
Well then can you test it because i dont have a spare BD145 and i lost my Burn. I would appreciate any other testing.
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