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Full Version: [Toronto, Canada, 7/16/11] HIGH PARK THROWDOWN 3
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Rofl Daegor looks mad at the end standing in the corner. I think I'll use uncustomized BBP xD for my next tourney.
And Kei wins another ...

Congratulations to the winners !
Kei manages to continue his streak, hahaha. Pinching_eyes_2
Someone take me... to CANADAAAAAAAAAAAA

Congrats to the winners! Kei's a beast, someone please just take him down (if no one will I'll get my butt over there and beat him myself).

Please say you'll still be doing these in like, 3 years so I can attend one lol
capricorn7 Wrote:so what where the prizes,sorry if im spaming

1st: Gravity Perseus Utimate Reshuffle Set, L Drago Destroy, Scythe Kronos
2nd: Big Bang Pegasis, Scythe Kronos, Torch Aries
3rd: Some random Hasbro Double Pack, Random Booster Vol. 7 Beat Lynx
My god how do get those kind of prizes?!
That i think would cost 200 to 300$?
(Jul. 17, 2011  4:13 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It really should not, but it makes me happy to see that both 桃太郎, you and me perform so badly in tournaments, hah. Although I cannot compare with yours since I have not seen the results yet.

hahaha! Believe me, that will not last. I've tested the waters and I think next tournament might be quite different. Fun time, no doubt.
Franklin were you weak launching against me? Because I could usually do well against something like your horrid (lol) snot green aquario.

I'd also like to apologize to FlameDragon. I was being kind of a jerk to you and I felt bad afterward. Unhappy I'm sorry.

(Jul. 17, 2011  1:49 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]LOL don't talk to me about 'should have beat him', if only I used MF Lightning LDrago BD145RF.
I did so poorly it isn't even funny; I am never using MF-H Basalt Kerbecs DF105WD again.
Franky: your snot green defeat over me will not go unavenged, haha.
Bluezee: When?
Dude, you beasted this for your first tournament. After all, you don't know how everyone plays yet. You have to be around in the community for a while to gauge who will use what during stalling clause.
Or he could have just used what we discussed and won the whole thing... Dan, you got some explaining to do lol.
(Jul. 18, 2011  7:15 AM)Bluezee Wrote: [ -> ]Or he could have just used what we discussed and won the whole thing... Dan, you got some explaining to do lol.
Or you can shut up and stop criticizing him because he actually made the effort to show up and you didn't. From what I can tell, it's just as much of a challenge to convince his parents to do something as it is to convince your mother to ride in a car with me.
Haha, Bluezee was just joking around with me don't worry.
Trust me Deikailo, that was such a poor performance on my part.
I think next time around will I be more 'fluid'. (or whatever the proper term)
(Jul. 18, 2011  4:32 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, Bluezee was just joking around with me don't worry.
Trust me Deikailo, that was such a poor performance on my part.
I think next time around will I be more 'fluid'. (or whatever the proper term)

Did Deikailo and you end up doing that test with MF Meteo L Drago CH120XF ? I do not remember reading anything about that.
Not on video. I wanted to do it the next day, buuuut Dan never showed up for Remembrance Day.

But I did show Dan the difference between practical tournament use and practice. Everything changes when Beypoints are on the line.
Yeah, using WF which IIRC was not exactly on my list of agreements. Whatever, I think I lost a solid amount with maybe 2 KO's, and the match was for Bey Points.
I can argue certain points of how it means next to nothing but that would pointless, good match LOL.

I couldn't as much as I wanted to because times were off, and Wolborg Bearing Core was acting up
(Jul. 18, 2011  6:08 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, using WF which IIRC was not exactly on my list of agreements. Whatever, I think I lost a solid amount with maybe 2 KO's, and the match was for Bey Points.
I can argue certain points of how it means next to nothing but that would pointless, good match LOL.

I couldn't as much as I wanted to because times were off, and Wolborg Bearing Core was acting up
It's an attack type bottom. How can you say BBP D125WF isn't an attack type Bey?

I would have just given you a new Bearing Core. I mean, I still could. If you're free today, I'm still in Canada and I could come over.
Oh it is an attacker, lol I just wanted it against a High Grip one. I will admit it most definitely bested MF Meteo LDrago CH120XF badly, very badly it was ridiculous.
For some reason it was loose and in an attempt to fix it, I ended up messing it up more lol.
Its no big deal, haha.
I still have your L/R launcher btw.

I designed that combo specifically to kill LLDBD145LRF and MLDCH120XF. However, I think you make RF > LRF on LLDBD145.
Oh it was you, damn I was looking everywhere for it.
I'm thinking you should tune that combination up to perform better against MF Lightning LDrago BD145RF because we will cross paths again and it didn't look so sharp. (put on an RF and BD145 and it will probably do better) So, next time you're going to a Toronto tournament I'll retrieve my L/R.
Why don't I just drop it off today or tomorrow? I'm still in Toronto.

I could just not launch it hard and it will probably be fine. I just like watching things spin fast.
Maybe that would work, but with the contact those two make it would probably be OS'd if it isn't KO'd.
Considering my parents attitude of late, I honestly couldn't do so. I don't mind it, I'll just pick it up next time around. Which IIRC is some time past the 24th anyway, this will just be a solid excuse to 100% go without hassle from the parents lol.
(Jul. 18, 2011  6:35 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe that would work, but with the contact those two make it would probably be OS'd if it isn't KO'd.
Considering my parents attitude of late, I honestly couldn't do so. I don't mind it, I'll just pick it up next time around. Which IIRC is some time past the 24th anyway, this will just be a solid excuse to 100% go without hassle from the parents lol.
I won't be back until the fall most likely. I'm not coming back for the next tournament.
Damn that sucks.
Well, see you in fall then, I can hold up lol.
nice job winning 1st place? lol
(Jul. 23, 2011  2:54 AM)majinshadow11 Wrote: [ -> ]nice job winning 1st place? lol

Thank you.

(Jul. 23, 2011  3:02 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 23, 2011  2:54 AM)majinshadow11 Wrote: [ -> ]nice job winning 1st place? lol

Thank you.


LOL almost didn't notice that at first

Great job with the video! I love the music.
(Jul. 23, 2011  4:24 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]LOL almost didn't notice that at first
The truth will out, Kei. You can't hold it back forever!

(Jul. 23, 2011  4:24 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]Great job with the video! I love the music.
Danke. Cowboy Bebop had great music, yea.
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