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New Type of BeyBattling: The Dash Track
So, a while ago, my fellow WBOer, SoniKzone, came up with the idea of Beyblades in a sport. Now, many of you look at this and may either scoff, wonder how the heck, or are intrigued with excitement. Well, I hope it's the third! Why? Because this leads a new way of BeyBattling. Rather than just BeyBattle in a stadium all the time, this gives Beyblade the dynamic element that it needs (other than Zero-G.)

This is accomplished using the Dash Track, a concept by SoniKzone, brought to life by me. It is basically a runway with a dip at one end. Two teams play; one defends and one plays offense. Think football, beyblade style.

I do anything conerning beyblades. Battles, reviews, unboxings, lessons, how-to's, episodes, my creations, tests, and much, much more. You name it, I'll do it! Well, as long as I won't regret doing it in the long run...I've already done something stupid like that. I froze a stadium full of ice and put my Lightning L-Drago 100HF in it (I wanted to "find" it and become the owner lol.) So I took my Basalt Bull H145WD, iirc, and started making H145 hit the ice. Well soon enough I broke it. Now I have no more :( But it was fun!

I have all my parts listed below, in case you want to do custom battles.

Facebolts (Click to View)

Clear Wheels (Click to View)

Metal Wheels (Click to View)

Performance Tips (Click to View)

4D Bottoms (Click to View)

Equipment (Click to View)
Storm Aries vs Earth Virgo please

I seriously just picked to random but interesting Beys.
(Jun. 14, 2011  6:52 AM)RAW Wrote: [ -> ]Storm Aries vs Earth Virgo please

I seriously just picked to random but interesting Beys.

Any special parts? What stadium?
Update: Got a Gravity Perseus AD145WD
Update 8/21/2011:
OP Redone
New Beys
New Equipment
New Stadiums
Updated Lists
Gravity Perseus WA130RF (Left Spin) vs. Rock Leone D125R2F in MXS, both with String Launchers/Beylaunchers Can you say recoil? I want to see what goes flying first.
(Aug. 21, 2011  7:44 PM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]Gravity Perseus WA130RF (Left Spin) vs. Rock Leone D125R2F in MXS, both with String Launchers/Beylaunchers Can you say recoil? I want to see what goes flying first.

Counter or Defense Mode for Gravity Perseus? Don't have Leone :p
Ah, overlooked that. Counter. Aquario?
(Aug. 21, 2011  7:52 PM)Temporal Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, overlooked that. Counter. Aquario?

Sure. I'll have it up today. I'll do a first to three wins.
Update 8/22/2011:
Pegasis Battle Set Unboxing/Review uploaded.

Temporal, I am editing your battle request right now. It will be up momentarily.
Update 8/23/2011:
Gravity Perseus WA130RF vs. Rock Aquario D125R2F battle video added
New section in OP - One battle video and one unboxing video up at a time.
Rip Guage Launcher added to OP Equipment List
Update 10/25/11:
Got Twisted Tempo 145WD; unboxing up soon
Update 11/18/11:
OP Updated
Twisted Tempo Unboxing up
Rev-Up Launcher returned
Got Aqua Sword Strike and Crushing Blast double packs
Blah, months later.

Update 4/12/12:
OP Updated
Hades Kerbecks Aquired
Metal Fight Beyblade Zero-G Episode 1 Subbed uploaded!
Thanks for uploading the sub, about to watch! ;D
Yeah Rai, no problems Tongue_out
Update 4/15/12:
MFB Zero-G episode 2 uploaded! Subs (may be) coming soon!
I'll wait for the subbed version, so I can watch it properly!

Haha no problem Blood. I can't wait for subs Pinching_eyes I don't even watch the raw anymore lol.
Update 4/19/12:
Just got the Big Bang Pegasis DX Set! So I officially have a BB-10/BB-107! Haha cheers for awesomer battle videos.
PC Frames, 4D Bottoms categories added
Update 4/22/12:
MFB Zero-G Episode 3 uploaded!
Update 4/28/12:
MFB Zero-G Episode 2 Subbed uploaded!
Update 5/9/12:
Sorry, a little late, but MFB Zero-G Episode 5 is uploaded!
As of today, February 6, 2013, Le BeyPit Central is back up and running! I've revamped because of my long absence. Also, every episode of Metal Fight Beyblade Zero-G has been uploaded. In addition, a new concept, BeyBattling through the Dash Track, has been born! I will have a video uploaded in a few days showing it off and explaining how things work. Everything is detailed in the OP, excluding information about the Dash Track.

Flash Sagittario 230WD & Diablo Nemesis XGrin Hyperblades Unboxings Joyful_3
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