World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Hasbro Tornado Beys
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They would'nt need to be making this junk in the first place if they had actualley sold the TT Attack Stadium, yeah I think this is aimed for younger kids starting new to beyblade. Not a metal part of the beyblade? This should'nt even be classed as a MFB!
Ahahah, good point. It is METAL Fight Beyblade, or Beyblade METAL Fusion/Masters.
(Jul. 05, 2011  2:02 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 05, 2011  12:57 PM)toatanu Wrote: [ -> ]No, it couldn't be hard at all unless they have metal inside. Even then an attack type would kill them pretty fast.

Apparently they are not made of metal at all.

Then it must be an easy win for the us then if an opponient usin one of these beys
They won't be legal for WBO play, as they're not really MFB, but some bastardisation Hasbro came up with to sell to children instead of proper beyblades.
(Jul. 05, 2011  9:51 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]They won't be legal for WBO play, as they're not really MFB, but some bastardisation Hasbro came up with to sell to children instead of proper beyblades.

i know right!
in my opinion ther just a waste of time no better than the electronic beys honestly ther are sevral reasons i dont like them 1. ther illegal for wbo play 2. they dont hav any changing parts 3. i dont even know what they do but im 99.999 percent sure that ther not going to do any thing interesting or worth the money 4. its just another way for hasbro to make a ton of money off of nothing just like the electro beys now i dont know if this will help but heres the hasbro page for 2011 releses
(Jul. 05, 2011  11:04 PM)Anti-Blader Wrote: [ -> ]i dont know if this will help but heres the hasbro page for 2011 releses

We know...

I have said this once and I will say it again, you people are driving me crazy Smithicide

(Jun. 17, 2011  5:20 PM)Soundwave Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 17, 2011  4:57 PM)Spinster Wrote: [ -> ]Check out the spiral ridge along the 'track'. The whole point is that it'll corkscrew itself up out of the pockets. Competitive impotence aside, that's kind of cool, conceptually.

THANK YOU finally someone who can appreciate something because it is cool regaurdless of use Joyful_3

But seriously, if I hear one more hater comment, or one more "be glad hasbro brought beys here" I swear...

This is madness!
They're still a stupid waste of money for competitive bladers. This site is a competitive blading site. Do the math.

Sure, if the corkscrewing thing works, they'll be cool. If they somehow go for 10 AUD I may even pick one up for laughs, but they are, and always will be, useless, pointless wastes of money.
Then don't buy them!!! Why must everyone detrail the thread just because it is illegal?!?!? Has it ruined beyblade? No, I think not...

So what is the big deal, just somehow forget them in your short term memory and well... put it in your sensory memory or something (th!nk would know Tongue_out_wink)

Spinster's post is a great example of a good post in this thread. Is it really a big deal if you don't want to buy them? This is virtually a spam trap...
I am merely stating my opinion. I feel it is an inferior product that hasbro is tacking the "beyblade" name onto to sell. I personally dislike this, as I do feel it cheapens the brand as a whole. But I did also say I might buy one for laughs, as I am irresponsible with money. I also commented on the pricing, which is certainly relevant. Am I going to avoid criticizing something because it's annoying you? Nope.

FWIW though, memories cannot be consciously erased. It's like thinking about manually breathing, blinking, swallowing saliva. Even when they fade they linger for an extremely long time.
It was a joke xD and I was refering to the thread in general.

But on a serious note, the point of the post was a just for people to stop just hating on Hasbro just because of these new items coming out that aren't your regular beyblade tops...

Gimmicky stuff will always, and I mean ALWAYS will be a part of hasbro. Just look at Transformers Tongue_out
(Jul. 05, 2011  11:29 PM)Soundwave Wrote: [ -> ]Then don't buy them!!! Why must everyone detrail the thread just because it is illegal?!?!? Has it ruined beyblade? No, I think not...

So what is the big deal, just somehow forget them in your short term memory and well... put it in your sensory memory or something (th!nk would know Tongue_out_wink)

Spinster's post is a great example of a good post in this thread. Is it really a big deal if you don't want to buy them? This is virtually a spam trap...

the big deal is that hasbro is ruining the beyblade reputation (kind of) because they're to stupid to know better!
(Jul. 06, 2011  12:25 AM)BLADETRAINER98 Wrote: [ -> ]the big deal is that hasbro is ruining the beyblade reputation (kind of) because they're to stupid to know better!

??? Ruining? Explain Speechless

If they were ruining things then I would expect equal resentment to the IR Spin Control beys and the Electro Battlers... Just because it is not a normal bey doesn't mean you should hate on Hasbro. Should I hate Hasbro just because they release the Gravit-Bots and Fast Action Battlers under the Transformers line? No, and guess what I do. I walk there, ignore them, do whatever and continue on with my life. Simple enough? I think so Speechless
(Jul. 05, 2011  11:38 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]I am merely stating my opinion. I feel it is an inferior product that hasbro is tacking the "beyblade" name onto to sell. I personally dislike this, as I do feel it cheapens the brand as a whole. But I did also say I might buy one for laughs, as I am irresponsible with money. I also commented on the pricing, which is certainly relevant. Am I going to avoid criticizing something because it's annoying you? Nope.

FWIW though, memories cannot be consciously erased. It's like thinking about manually breathing, blinking, swallowing saliva. Even when they fade they linger for an extremely long time.
I do agree with Th!nk. This isn't even metal fight beyblade(not metal). I know that Hasbro is in this for the money. There are people who I know are on the verge of becoming bladers, and are not aware of TT. This could sway them the other way. The point is that even though little kids can't think about beyblade on a strategic way, Hasbro shouldn't be trying to fill their heads up with carp that isn't true just for money.(Like more intense battles,ect.)

P.S It isn't ruining the hobby but is ruining the reputation for those unaware of TT. Like soundwave said it is good to just ignore them but I beleive that we should get the message out about TT's existence so that beyblade's reputation isn't carpified in the countries that Hasbro sells their brands in. Then again we can just get them for the fun of it. Beyblade is a hobby after all.
2 statements this is Tornado Beys Not metal fight beys so theres that why they are called that and the whole brand is Metal fusion Beyblade so They are just going to break off the main brand and at least they are customizable fun to have but not to be competitive let's just face he facts Hasbro release stuff that seems cool but does not have a Competitive side THIS IS COOL BUT not Battle wise
Are they customisable?

And uhh, if you have a look at the packaging, they are labeled "Beyblade Metal Masters eXtreme Top System Tornado Battlers" or something. They're still part of the "Metal Masters" line...
(Jul. 06, 2011  11:14 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Are they customisable?

And uhh, if you have a look at the packaging, they are labeled "Beyblade Metal Masters eXtreme Top System Tornado Battlers" or something. They're still part of the "Metal Masters" line...

No they are not customizable they are only one piece
(Jul. 06, 2011  11:14 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Are they customisable?

And uhh, if you have a look at the packaging, they are labeled "Beyblade Metal Masters eXtreme Top System Tornado Battlers" or something. They're still part of the "Metal Masters" line...

Well in my metal mastersfireblaze instruction it said they are customizable so i just assumed and I mean Metal masters and metal fusion is the name of the whole toy they need to keep it as it's the whole name for Beyblade for Hasbro and the xtreme top sytem tornado bey is for the bey like calling the maximum series maximum series I guess sorry for any misguided info the Instruction Book sure took tornado Battlers seriously though (I WAS READING THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR STICKER INSTRCTIONS I KNOW HOW TO PUT TOGETHER A BEY just said for any confusion)
It's still not made of metal, but called "Metal Masters". Uncertain
i think its a bit of a waste of money a plastic eagle mixed with bykis sorry about spelling
This is getting redundant...

The track looks way taller than 230, just sayin'.
What track? Tongue_out
To me, the so-called 'track' looks like the 230 height, but it may be higher. I'm actually curious to see how these do...
Here is a unboxing of tornado l drago It is not made of only plastic the ring is metal so it may have some use.
(Jul. 11, 2011  5:53 PM)LibraEagle Wrote: [ -> ]Here is a unboxing of tornado l drago It is not made of only plastic the ring is metal so it may have some use.

You cannot use those in tournaments ... It cannot have use.
(Jul. 11, 2011  6:35 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 11, 2011  5:53 PM)LibraEagle Wrote: [ -> ]Here is a unboxing of tornado l drago It is not made of only plastic the ring is metal so it may have some use.

You cannot use those in tournaments ... It cannot have use.
I know u can't use them in tournaments but u can't be sure it won't be useful
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