World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Counter to Maximum Meteor
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That's what I thought. Sure, it may be hard to launch XF... or control it, but maybe ask Dan for help.

I think LF will stay in with weight while XF would just lose control.
If XF is losing control, you're probably not using it right... Or is that not what you meant?
Honestly, does this beat anything other than Maximum Meteor? If not, then it is basically useless unless you know for sure your opponent is going to use MF Meteo L Drago CH120XF. Which means, unless you can read minds, you're probably not going to win with it very often, even if it does work.
I handled this today. The issue was that it MM was not being launched at 20%. Anything higher gets MM slammed out.
LMBO your fast but i change the new combo tomorrow after the tournament
: hah, thought so.
: what does that post even mean
(May. 29, 2011  3:38 AM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]: what does that post even mean
I think he's saying that he has a new combo to show us.
Oh, great. Pkease test it properly this time to make sure it works and when you make a new thread, make the title just what the combo is, like "Big Bang Pegasis (III) 125LF". If you do that I'll try to be nice and might even test tomorrow Uncertain

Not worth making an extra post for this, but I think you're both right, BBS and Mushy.
Actually, I think it was more of a jab at Bluezee, "well you certaintly were quick to shoot this combo down" kind of thing. Just my $00.02
No.. it can be easily killed.
Just edit this topic instead of making another thread.
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