World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Do you hate one of your teachers?
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I had a teacher named M.LeClair and he scared me since the day I had him for french and when he was handing back our homework. I was in a panic because I herd he was a very hars marker so when he handed it back my heart was pounding, when he gave it back it was a "B" the only thing he said was "I can hear your heart beating and then smiled".... He also dosen't have a family because his wife left him and also his son so now all he has is his teddy bear "Pookie" and brings it to school every day and speaks sometimes like a little child to it and has a lot of candy very suspicious.
UMM............. Rapist i suppose, I really think that teacher needs to be s a fired. He has a DUCKING teddy bear named Pookie what the hell!
(May. 15, 2011  5:16 PM)Sasukia Wrote: [ -> ]UMM............. Rapist i suppose, I really think that teacher needs to be s a fired. He has a DUCKING teddy bear named Pookie what the hell!

We reported him 5 times but never fired I got a high mark in that class because he scard the living carp out of me he is probably bi-polar because when he gets mad at us he would speak in a little child voice and then yell and 5 minutes later he's all happy... He also like one kid in my class a lot he would always give him candy and when he gave my candy I never ate it.
One teacher I have kind of favors one student the most, and can even change rules according to him sometimes (lets say he doesn't finish something, it is due another day), and fails to acknowledge other people gifts or doesn't get as surprised or as happy as she does with him. She also doesn't yell or get him in trouble, meanwhile she can be slightly more aggressive to others.

I don't hate her, by the way, so no, I don't hate any of my teachers. I just simply kind of dislike one of my teachers biasness towards one student.
I tend to not "hate" a teacher as much as I run into a few I sincerely pity. My sixth grade teacher really sucked the life out of me. Such an apathetic woman who could not in the least help me when I suspected someone stealing my science text book.
I think it's not really nice to use names...

I have this science's science class:
1.Sit down wherever, teacher gets up and points at something written on the board.
2. You completely ignore it and continue to talk, because it doesn't matter, teacher doesn't give a carp.
3. Occasionally, teacher walks around and asks "Progress?" and you respond: Yes, progress, it's what advanced civilization, it's what brought us here. Progress is good.
4. Bell rings, leave class.

It would be nice if he tried to teach us something....
(May. 15, 2011  3:01 AM)Sasukia Wrote: [ -> ]@ Scorpio312, That is so Sexual Harassment. You should report him! Anyway my teacher is way worse!

The name is Scipio132 BTW. We didn't have any evidence so we couldn't
I only hate teachers who don't know how to teach. Like my Algebra II teacher.
She flat out doesn't know how to teach, pretty much EVERYONE hates her, and she's the swim coach, so her swim students get special treatment. For example, this idiot who sits next to me is in the swim team. Along comes test day, and he cheats off of my paper. Problem? He is NOT sneaky, ('roid junkie) he throws his entire body over to see, to the point where he blocks MY view of my own paper. After grading it, my teacher gives me an F, with the word "Cheating" scribbled on the paper. The idiot next to me got an A. ._.

But wait, there's more!
I called a Parent/teacher conference because this was happenning repeatedly, and she spites me for that. When we turn in homework, she always rejects it and I get an F for it as well. I have NEVER gotten an F on my report card, EVER. But one year with her, and I have two F's and a D for my three current quarterly grades.
And don't think "Oh, Grei probably just sucks at math and blames it on his teacher." The LEADER of the math club has her as well, and she's in the same boat as I am. She normally gets straight A's in math, but with my AlgII teacher, she's gotten similar results: D,D,F.

Now I have to take summer school because I don't want these awful grades to show up while applying for colleges.

Oh, and Scipio, if you have a cell, it probably has some kind of an audio recording function. Set it to record when you suspect something's going to go down, and hide it in your pocket. That's all the proof you'd need to report him.
Honestly, I get along with most people so I don't exactly have anyone I hate. I have people I'd much rather not hang out with, but no one I hate.

The same goes for teachers, I might get one I don't think is necessarily doing a good job, but generally they're nice people who have to have patience in the profession they choose. If I'm too concerned about not learning I'd just transfer to a different class (though as most of you guys are likely in elementary school - that's probably not an option) or something.
Isn't hate a very strong word? Where is the love?

I've never hated my teachers, however, I lose a lot of respect for them when they cannot control their students or turn a blind eye to peer to peer harassment.
(May. 17, 2011  2:04 PM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't hate a very strong word? Where is the love?

I've never hated my teachers, however, I lose a lot of respect for them when they cannot control their students or turn a blind eye to peer to peer harassment.

I'm surprised this is still open. Hah.

But I agree, I don't "hate" any teacher. I just "hate" the class they teach. If the are doing something wrong, I don't jump to the conclusion that I "hate" them. All my teachers are pretty nice Smile
I dont hate any teacher but i kind of lose so much respect every day for them.Day by day they keep gettin worse..

Like one day the teacher is laughin and laughin with us
The next thing you kno you get backstabbed by them Tired
Mr. Walker, he's horrid, he doesn't work at our school anymore, (Thank God) but when he did, a guy in my class messed up three times when he was writing for our lesson, and he told him to start again, :[
BFireblaze, Funny, My AlgII teacher's name is Walker as well.
Our Head-Teacher Mr Collins He Is Really Annoying In The BURNING Hot We Cannot Undo Our Top Buttons And Take Off Out Blazers Anywhere In School And If You Do You Have a 2 Hour Saturday Detention And If You Skip It You Get a 1 Week Exclusion You Cant Even Hug Girls!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise You Get a 1 Hour Detention I Had a Saturday Detention! And Missed a Beyblade Meetup! Angry The Same Thing Happend To Bey-Reaper And He Missed a Whole WBO Tournament Its Always The Important Days Always!
(May. 17, 2011  3:40 AM)Greimatter Wrote: [ -> ]I only hate teachers who don't know how to teach. Like my Algebra II teacher.
She flat out doesn't know how to teach, pretty much EVERYONE hates her, and she's the swim coach, so her swim students get special treatment. For example, this idiot who sits next to me is in the swim team. Along comes test day, and he cheats off of my paper. Problem? He is NOT sneaky, ('roid junkie) he throws his entire body over to see, to the point where he blocks MY view of my own paper. After grading it, my teacher gives me an F, with the word "Cheating" scribbled on the paper. The idiot next to me got an A. ._.

But wait, there's more!
I called a Parent/teacher conference because this was happenning repeatedly, and she spites me for that. When we turn in homework, she always rejects it and I get an F for it as well. I have NEVER gotten an F on my report card, EVER. But one year with her, and I have two F's and a D for my three current quarterly grades.
And don't think "Oh, Grei probably just sucks at math and blames it on his teacher." The LEADER of the math club has her as well, and she's in the same boat as I am. She normally gets straight A's in math, but with my AlgII teacher, she's gotten similar results: D,D,F.

Now I have to take summer school because I don't want these awful grades to show up while applying for colleges.

Oh, and Scipio, if you have a cell, it probably has some kind of an audio recording function. Set it to record when you suspect something's going to go down, and hide it in your pocket. That's all the proof you'd need to report him.

That's harsh. I bet someone in this forum got a F:D for free. ( Final Detention )

About my Maths teacher. ARRRRRGGGHHHHH she's such a pain in the neck. She gave me a zero just because I handed my paper in 5 seconds late .-. We were taking our Maths test, and I finished it fairly early due to my trusty calculator(everyone is allowed to use calculators==) I put my head on the table, and just when I'm about to doze off, she shouted my name and accused me of cheating. ****. Other than that, I see no teacher who annoys me to the end.

P.S: Well, about my Maths teacher, she's not really that bad. However weird. Supposedly she was teaching maths, and for some reason she turns the topic to the discussion of puberty. lolwut?
Today was weird, I came in 10 seconds late and my teacher told me i was getting a referral.
And i was heck-a mad i was going to kill him!
There's a teacher at my school that people don't like. But, compared to these teachers, he seems like a preschool teacher. He's just a little more strict than our other teachers. I like him, but no one else does. You see, kids at my school blow things WAY out of porportion.
At my school we have our Science teacher. Now don't get me wrong, he's a good man and teacher... About 3 years ago he was at least. He's retiring this year, and he could give less of a carp about teaching. I have retained ZERO information in his class. He switches around from subject to subject daily. We go from one subject one day to a completely different end of the spectrum the next. I brought this to his attention today by asking him what we were learning about tomorrow blah, blah, blah, and his reply was "Well I hope you learn better next year." Then one of the preppy girls (which I despise the lot of them to a certain extent) said that she has learned plenty this year in his class. I told her to stop sucking it up to the teacher, and she said that I should stop being a douche bag to him for not teaching in the correct format. It's funny because I'm one of the smartest people in my damned grade, and yet they think I'm and idiot. I have a 3.5 GPA average, while they have around a 2.0. SMH. I hate his class because he's the teacher that let's the students control him, and me being the "outcast" of the grade along with my friends, we sit in the corner of the room and chitchat here and there not very loudly, while the preps are over there laughing their a**es off, and texting people like crazy.
And we're the ones that get in trouble.
WE are.
Thank God he's retiring.
I hate my physics teacher. he makes the kids do notebooks and i think it is not needed. plus, he does not teachh what we need to know.
(May. 20, 2011  1:34 AM)renovawolborg Wrote: [ -> ]I hate my physics teacher. he makes the kids do notebooks and i think it is not needed. plus, he does not teachh what we need to know.

How else are you supposed to take notes?
i hate a grade 5 teacher mrs fergurson or as we call her fergur burger anyway after school i was waiting for my mom to pick me up i pulled out my phone and she took it it was after school hours and i didnt know if i was walking or not plus she has a really bad haircut
i have been official burned by my teacher at my end of school dance she "pop" her body anmd im blind for a 1 or so.and i actualy cant beleive someof these teachers either you say they are rapist our molesters our something.i understand teachers have their "favs" but grei i cant beleive that story im pretty sure she would be fired.
I hate my Music teacher Mrs.Chun.We have music class right before lunch and she keeps us in like 20 minutes after lunch starts so then we only have 10 mins to eat.It's horrible and everyone and I mean EVERYONE! hates her.
I also hated my 4th grade teacher Ms.Leyva.She treated all of us except for one of my classmates like carp.She even gave him a nickname!I hate both of them and wish they got fired!
I don't have too much against many of my teachers. In fact I have been quite lucky this year and have great teachers. I just one thing against one of my teachers. My science teacher is an EXTREMELY harsh marker. He tells us we should be doing university level even though we are only year 9 extension and so I have failed a couple of tests. He gave me 3 out of 22 (14%) for an essay at the beginning of the year which I put a lot of effort into. But I think a lot of you guys have it worse.
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