World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Sydney,Australia] Best in the South @ Burwood Park/Olympic park
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Its in September so the cost of it will go down.
if its in september sign me up!!!
well by lack of communication with hope i don't know?
But can i plz attend
i will probably attend
AHHHHHH!!!! My mum won't let me go to this tournament if its in September ,please PLEASE make it august!!!!!!!!!!
What's up guys
I can come to the tourney but only in september.
Umm nile why dont you do that poll thing again it would be a really great idea because i want it august i cant make it in any september dates only august....... well thanks alot! =)
Hope no offense but your not organizing this very well . People are asking lots of questions which you have not answered and even nile who is co-hosting this doesn't no whats going on so i would suggest you start to make some some put to this if you even want it to be considered to get approved .
Dellete this thread HOPE HAS CANNCELLED
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