World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: This happen to anyone else?
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I got a shipment of Beyblades in from,one such item happened to be a Libra booster.

I opened it,and inside,there was not just the Libra parts,but in the little bag where the tool was,there was a Quetzacoatl face (prize version)!

Has this happened to anyone else?
Awesome! Hurry up people I wanna see if this guy has luck!
You can get The Face, Track & Bottom of Quetz in some of the MFB Booster packs. Your lucky to get it Grin
& it's happened to a few people on here I think. there's a random chance of getting a one of those parts in each booster...

I'll have to buy some more boosters then.Thanks for the tip!
No Problem and I haven't got any parts of Quetz yet & I bought all the boosters (except Saggittario) Crying
Wow Your Lucky...

(Feb. 17, 2009  11:51 PM)Blitz Wrote: [ -> ]No Problem and I haven't got any parts of Quetz yet & I bought all the boosters (except Saggittario) Crying

And Saggittario is pretty much useless...XD
That being the reason i didn't/nore am I going to buy it lol.
Blackace, your so lucky XD Well, at least now I know. I'll def. be buying more boosters Wink
Your pretty lucky to get that.
For future reference, you have 1/8 chance of getting these parts, and being lucky helps.